45 acp cylinder for Blackhawk
If I can come up with an acp cylinder, what are the odds it would be a drop in for my 45 Blackhawk?
45 acp cylinder for Blackhawk
Have one with my Stainless New Mod, Bisley, had it 3 months and haven't even tried it yet, but NO I don't wan to sell it. But the 45 Colt works well, just needs trigger job.
I already have a lead on one, just wonder if it would work
Chances are better than 50/50 in my experience
Get them to measure the overall length of the cylinder and compare that to yours. Too long is okay, usually, as you can shorten the cylinder bushing with a bit of filing. Ruger's barrel/cylinder gaps are usually generous enough to allow a longer cylinder to fit. Much too short and you get bad endshake.
I used the same cylinder in four differnt BHs...finally gave
to a young man just starting out in the sixgun game...
Too long or just right are what you want.
Of the Troops & For the Troops
What is a decent price to pay for a cylinder
There is one on eBay but don't know how high it will go.
Been a little while since I was in that game but..
they seemed to be trading hands for $100-150 or so. A note/call to Ruger to see if they would fit one and the cost may be something to persue.