A cautionary tale...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Friday, March 14, 2014, 10:23 (3850 days ago)

We just returned from Atmore, AL and a visit to both my sister-in-law and son. Unfortunately, the wife's paternal uncle died while we were en-route and we had to attend the funeral.

The uncle was 79 years old, had been dealing with prostate cancer but was in otherwise good health and fit after a life-time of farm work, hunting and fishing. He had a good attitude about life and was always "doing". In early January he fell from his shooting box/tree stand or the ladder and broke his right leg in two places. He was alone, had not told anyone about WHICH stand he was going to and did not take his cell phone. He lay there exposed in sub-freezing temperatures for 12-hours before he was found. He did minimize dehydration by sucking on ice that lay within reach. Apparently he did fire his gun to signal but nobody responded (whether they heard it or not or simply discounted the shots will never be known). After hospitalization he had numerous problems before he died on 5 March.

There are some lessons here which each of us may or may not choose to heed. I just thought I'd share this with you so that you might consider different choices.

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For those of you who might care a more personal note...

Colvin was always a good guy who helped his neighbors and family, worked hard, was honest and trustworthy. He did not accept Jesus as his savior until he was 65 but he was "all in" after that constantly working to bring the word to others and to support his church's activities. His community showed their appreciation of him both during his hospitalization and at the visitation and funeral. Visitation for family began at 5:00 and for others at 6:00 but people were showing up and waiting their turn before 5:00. Many/most stood in line for over 2 hours. I was told that over 1000 people signed the register (and we know that "and family" can be 1-?). They did not finish until 9:30 (was scheduled to end at 8:00). The chapel was packed for the funeral and about 150 family members were present at graveside. This was very much like his brother's (my father-in-law) funeral several years ago. This is a great family and I'm very glad to be a part of it.



A cautionary tale...

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Friday, March 14, 2014, 16:09 (3850 days ago) @ Hobie

Sorry for the loss and the empty hole in the family on this ground but it is good to know he is with his eternal family. He sounds like someone I would have liked to have known.

The older I get, the more I realize...

by rob @, Friday, March 14, 2014, 19:56 (3849 days ago) @ Hobie

That we were put here to serve others. I will just speak for myself but I know that the most miserable,times of my life came from an excessive focus on self and the most fulfilling and contented times in my life come from focusing on others. Wished I'd learned it all decades ago but it's taken decades to teach this stubborn boy:( Sounds like a great family and a great man!

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