Retirement rifle...

by John Meeker @, Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 09:34 (3894 days ago)

have bben continuing de=accsion etc. Settled on a rifle that wont break my heart if it gets scratched 0r dinged; Steve's Gun Rossi Staineless. peep, action job, ivory bead, possible bullseye bl sight, etc.

haven't kept with stuff much lately, so far as buying. Walmart might have them OTC, but if there's any price diff, it' still go down to TX from Ohio, anyway for the work and return trip.

Almost totally stainless now; .22's, 38's, .357, 45C, and the TACKT=tail stuff.

You may if you wish contact me directly at marshgrrl AHT yahoo com.
Oh, forgot..the retirement puppy Chessie gurl is two weeks old now. Getting trained to Dad's picker-upper and very slow walking game dog ;~`)

On FB -- 'cuse it's kinda quick hit and run, and 'stay in touch'.Welcome to hunt mee up, but not much substance -- more telegraph, with no Indians cutting the wires. anybody need large pieces of mahogany antique furniture shipped -- nah, just kidding, but may travel with a polishing kit. ""Shine you up,M'am? My dog will entertain you the while."

Happy retirement John

by Fivegunner @, LOWELL Mi., Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 15:12 (3894 days ago) @ John Meeker

New puppy ? Why don`t you come up next Grouse season and bring your dog`s and a nice 28 gauge o/u. It would be nice to see you again.:-D

Sounds like things are settling out nicely...

by Brian A, Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 17:26 (3894 days ago) @ John Meeker

Looking forward to meeting the new pup and coon fingerin the stainless toys.

Thanks for the good wishes.......

by John Meeker @, Thursday, January 30, 2014, 09:26 (3893 days ago) @ John Meeker

we're mining the 'homestead & shop' thru this summer -- working on that mobile minimalist thing. Umm..well armed mobile minimalist, that is. ;~`)

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