Say HAY if ya can feed yourself with a slingshot!

by uncowboy, Thursday, January 23, 2014, 14:35 (3900 days ago)

Growing up in populated NJ I gathered enough small game to fill a pick up bed. If you have this talent lets hear it. The most overlooked survival tool.
PS IN NJ a slingshot is considered a handgun, If you get caught with one you will be charged with concealing a deadly weapon:-( . J.Michael

HAY... well, used to could. I haven't used one in a few

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, January 23, 2014, 14:55 (3900 days ago) @ uncowboy

Sling Shot = firearm in NJ::-(

I miss the beaches, I miss the Sierras, I miss big Bear Lake and lake Tahoe, I really miss Holy Jim Canyon, but I don't miss California & what it has become.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Doesn't work well with soup.

by Andrew @, Bloomington, IN, Thursday, January 23, 2014, 17:46 (3900 days ago) @ uncowboy


Heck that's worse than NY. We just can't have...

by cas, Thursday, January 23, 2014, 22:55 (3900 days ago) @ uncowboy

…ones with a wrist brace on them. The evil wrist brace makes it a deadly weapon and a felony. Again, a small price to pay for living in a crime free state.

Somewhere around here I have my wrist rocket my dad bought me when I was 10. It's pre-ban, but I don't think that counts. ;)

Heck that's worse than NY. We just can't have...

by Mark, Friday, January 24, 2014, 06:01 (3899 days ago) @ cas

I live in NY and i didn't know that. I can't say I am surprized.
I had enough of sling shots early on. When I was a kid, my 20 year older than me cousin let me try his. He wasn't happy that I wasn't pulling the steel ball (left over from damaged truck wheel bearings) back far enough. He insisted I use all of strength. I did and I let it go right into the back side of the hand (in the crotch of my thumb and index finger) that was holding the sling shot. I can't believe no bones broke. That was enough for me.

Yep, like so many other laws they pass and nobody knows.

by cas, Friday, January 24, 2014, 07:50 (3899 days ago) @ Mark

It's in the penal code, a sling shot with a wrist brace is a deadly weapon. Why/how/when this came about, I have no idea. Just more NY stupid.

Yep, like so many other laws they pass and nobody knows.

by Paul ⌂, Friday, January 24, 2014, 09:10 (3899 days ago) @ cas

It's the result of the great PR campaign of the Wrist Rocket. About the best slingshots I've ever seen were the old Brazilian thorn tree forked stick with rubber from the earth moving equipment inner tubes used on the Belém-Brasilia highway in the late 60's. The later 70's era 'tubes were not nearly as good as the earlier ones. Anyway, that rubber, cut square profile and lashed to the stick with more of the same that was sliced thin, could propel a smooth river rock at impressive speeds to incredible distances when compared to other slingshots of the time. My cousin brought back an original Wrist Rocket - but it wasn't quite up to the standard set by the old inner tube rubber he'd had before.

So the PR campaign of the company scared a NY pantywaist legislator (pardon me for repeating myself) into banning the abominable wrist braced slingshot "for the children".

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