Prayers for my brother in law J please
My BIL J had knee replacement surgery in early December and has had health complications not related to his surgery. He spent Christmas in a rehab hospital and will begin the new year in the hospital. He's pretty discouraged. Hopeully it is just working out the right meds. Prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Prayers for my brother in law J please
Prayers sent.
Prayers for my brother in law J please
Prayers for a speedy recovery in '14
Prayers sent for a great new year...
With your BIL J getting out to enjoy his new bionic self much.
Prayers for my brother in law J please
Prayer sent...
Prayers for my brother in law J please
prayers sent, John
They sent J home this afternoon
He will eventually have to have thyroid surgery but they are putting that off for a bit. Thank you for the prayers!
Definitely Tom.