Too Subtle?

by MR, TEXAS, Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:25 (3926 days ago)

Found where someone had put out a deer cam and had been hunting in the woods on the Rocking D today. A top level NO-NO to put it gently. They didn't even take the empty gallon jug of deer attractant or the empty scent bottle that they covered their scent with. Probably hunting drunk or high. Dale wanted to take the deer cam and leave a very adjective laden note taped to the tree. I over ruled her. I chose to leave a slightly different message. I taped one of my business cards to it and left the cam where it was. After I put a 45 caliber hole through the camera lens. Calling the Texas State Game Thief line on Monday.

What do you think? Too Subtle?


Too Subtle?

by Fowler, Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:37 (3926 days ago) @ MR

Should have pulled the memory card and had a look at home. Often guys will get a couple of pics of themselves setting it up...

Too Subtle?

by Jhenry, Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:43 (3926 days ago) @ Fowler

That's a good point.

I know who's it is.

by MR, Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:51 (3926 days ago) @ Jhenry

The 21 year old dumbass kid of the guy that I have a deal with on the grass lease and taking care of our cows. Dad's a good guy. We've had this discussion before last year when he was baiting the deer. Also when he left the gate open and the donkeys wandered about two miles down the road. He lives about 10 miles closer than Dad and occasionally checks on the cows. I'm really hoping he calls me. He's about to kill Dad's very profitable deal. The kid will probably never admit it. But the gates are locked and he and we have the only keys. Dad's about to know about it tonight.

Just got a friend request from him on FB.

by MR, Saturday, December 28, 2013, 22:27 (3926 days ago) @ MR

I suppose the plan came together. Gonna ignore it.

Works for me

by Jhenry, Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:40 (3926 days ago) @ MR

I got a nice game cam from the boys for Christmas.

I won't put it on your place though :eyepopping:

Folks who do the kinds of stuff those idiots have been doing on your place and even being so low down that they drop their trash on the spot, deserve at least what they got.

Ask me first and I'll probably let you.

by MR, Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:53 (3926 days ago) @ Jhenry


The greatest sales tool ever: JFA

by Andrew @, Bloomington, IN, Saturday, December 28, 2013, 22:57 (3926 days ago) @ MR

Just Freaking Ask

The greatest sales tool ever: JFA

by Fowler, Saturday, December 28, 2013, 23:33 (3926 days ago) @ Andrew

I used to know a guy who had that policy with women. He had more fun being single than any three guys I ever knew!

Ask me first and I'll probably let you.

by Jhenry, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 08:50 (3925 days ago) @ MR

I would sure take you up on it, but that's kind of far :-D

Too Subtle?

by jgt, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 08:56 (3925 days ago) @ MR
edited by jgt, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 09:23

I have to side with Dale. People who do this kind of thing,do it because they know you are an absentee owner. They will seldom do anything up front and to your face. They do, however, harbor resentments and will sneak on to your place to do all manor of "payback" tenfold. You will know who is doing it. That will be the point. Proving it is another matter. You will have to be very creative to catch them. Be prepared for this to escalate unless the dad can control him. It doesn't sound as if he can though.

Too Subtle?

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 12:32 (3925 days ago) @ MR

You do have a suppressor right? Some quietly popped tires might make him feel unwelcome; as he should!!


by MR, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 14:01 (3925 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Try Engine Block.

Too Subtle?

by Jhenry, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 15:21 (3925 days ago) @ Slow Hand

A knife is easier for that, and a lot cheaper.

Not where I hunt now, but where I used to, was on private property. The guy (Tom), who more or less looked out after the parcel of land was a demented alcoholic with anger control issues. I'm not trying to embellish here, if anything I am greatly understating. He didn't hunt, although he liked venison and we would give him some. My friend and I were the only folks who hunted there with permission. Some folks with a fancy SUV decided to just come hunt one year without so much as a howdy do. They scored a pretty nice buck which pissed off Tom, and by God they came back for more the next day. Tom went and flattened all 4 tires with a simple kitchen knife in about 20 seconds. They came out of the woods and just drove down off that mountain on the rims. Never came back neither. They sure did score a nice buck though.

I'm a big fan ...

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 14:05 (3925 days ago) @ MR

I'm a big fan of Texas' night time mischief law.


by Jared, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 14:21 (3925 days ago) @ Warhawk



by MR, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 14:55 (3925 days ago) @ Jared

Let's just say I'm a lot nicer about it than our neighbor Billy down the road.
Billy is a hoot. Vietnam vet ex Marine Scout Sniper. Not sure if the rumored flashbacks are real or just a handy tool.

More Yep!

by JLF @, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 15:16 (3925 days ago) @ MR

Due to circumstance, I happened to be riding in a truck one night with a friend who was also friends with one of the most prolific and notorious poachers in Young county. The poacher didn't know me, and vice versa, but there we were, putting around in the same pickup. The subject of night hunting came up. The poacher proudly proclaimed, "I'll hunt anywhere I please in Young county, except for Finis Road. That crazy bastard that lives out there will as soon shoot you as break wind!" That would be me.:) I said that I had heard the same thing myself, and he was a wise man...


More Yep!

by Jared, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 18:38 (3925 days ago) @ JLF

When I was in high school a friend came out deer hunting with me. He asked if it would be of of he brought his girlfriend, of course I didn't mind having her along.

After setting in the stand for about an hour all of a sudden she has a revolation and says," I know who your Dad is, I think he chaced a friend of mine down the road with a gun."

"I replied that sounds like him."

Turns out the friend drove by and thew something at dad's mailbox. Dad heard it jumped in his truck and chaced the kid down the road waving a gun at him. They ran upon the kids dad and my dad gave him a good talking to about his kids actions. I think it stopped the kid from damaging mailboxes. At least on dad's road.

Aniother Good story!

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, December 30, 2013, 10:32 (3924 days ago) @ Jared


Of the Troops & For the Troops

Good story!

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, December 30, 2013, 10:32 (3924 days ago) @ JLF


Of the Troops & For the Troops

I'm a big fan ...

by Jhenry, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 15:23 (3925 days ago) @ Warhawk

What is that law.

It paraphrases out as if your going to be a punk

by MR, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 16:27 (3925 days ago) @ Jhenry

best do it in some other state.

Back to neighbor Billy. A few years before we bought our place, there was a problem in the area with road hunters. One spotlighted Billy's house one night. He chased the guy down and beat the dog out of him while Billy's wife held the guy at gunpoint. Then he gave the bloody dude to the game warden. Haven't heard about any more road hunting in the 13 years we've been out there.

Not the best idea...

by Catoosa, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 21:19 (3925 days ago) @ MR

Guy who lives across the road from my parents' place caught some guys hunting on his place several years ago, and told them to get off. They got snotty and one of them sicced his dog on Mitch. Mitch pulled a .50 Desert Eagle out from under his jacket and blew the dog damm near in half. Then he suggested rather strongly that the "hunters" take what was left of their dog and beat it.

These guys were dumb enough to go to the Sheriff's office and file a complaint against Mitch. The Sheriff came out, talked to Mitch and got the full story, then went back and arrested the "hunters" for trespassing and assault.

The idea of taking the memory card home...

by cas, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 16:35 (3925 days ago) @ MR

,,,and downloading it full of gay porn, then replacing it, makes me chuckle.

But it truth I think I would rather have just had a free trail cam and left a bullet hole in the now empty tree.


by mcassill, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 20:39 (3925 days ago) @ cas


Too Subtle?

by Gary G, Sunday, December 29, 2013, 19:35 (3925 days ago) @ MR

Heck No.....Just about right I would say........Serious education in hunting manners.
you may have turned his life around.

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