deer hunting? poll sort of

by uncowboy, Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 17:32 (3979 days ago)

Ok, been a wile since we had a barn burner. Stir crazy because I broke my wrist on Oct 1 and only killed one deer opening day with the bow and have been laid up since then missing prime eastern hunting.
Question of the day, Think of all the times you were deer hunting and you had squirrel all around you making a lot of noise so much you stop listening to them and here comes a deer right where they are and you get busted because you stopped listening to the squirrels. Here it is . I believe the deer use the squirrel noise to make there way through the woods to mask there noise and use the squirrels natural defense to make there way through the woods safely, I have had too many deer come out to squirrel noise for this not to be true. Others I have asked said I have a point so I wanted to know what you think. Lets have it. J.Michael:-P

deer hunting? poll sort of

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 18:23 (3979 days ago) @ uncowboy

I'd agree with your train of thought. Not sure about making their movement but they definitely use each others sense to alert to danger. I feel a little better after getting in the stand and I heard birds and squirrel oink back up on their noises. It makes me think thy don't view me as a threat anymore.

I may have an issue this year (if I get out during gun season; just found out today were working three or four Saturdays to finish up a job) as Indiana legalized hunting with suppressors. Squirrel season runs along worth deer season and I have every intention of bringing my Gemtech Outback II screwed onto either my cut down Ruger MKII or my GSG 1911! I may not see any deer but I'll bet I'll limit out on squirrel! And quietly at that!

I think they use squirrels as watchdogs too

by stonewalrus, Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 18:32 (3979 days ago) @ uncowboy

I hunt from a stand with my eyes closed a fair amount concentrating on the sounds. Commonly I can tell the difference in a squirrel's "gait" a deer's.

I think they use squirrels as watchdogs too

by Dennis Eugene @, Prince of Wales Island Alaska, Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 20:18 (3979 days ago) @ stonewalrus

HA, no squirrels on Prince of Wales Island.Dennis

They use the wolves and bears and altitude ...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, November 05, 2013, 20:40 (3979 days ago) @ Dennis Eugene


Of the Troops & For the Troops

I think they use squirrels as watchdogs too

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Wednesday, November 06, 2013, 05:35 (3979 days ago) @ stonewalrus

I've been known to hunt with my eyes closed too. Bad thing is sometimes the snoring scares the deer away!

I don't know about squirrels...

by pokynojoe, Wednesday, November 06, 2013, 06:46 (3979 days ago) @ uncowboy

But I am coming to the conclusion that I have become a natural deer "repellent". My hunting buddy shot two saturday not more than a couple hundred yards from my stand. I saw nothing. Four of us got drawn for Oak Ridge this weekend, and met last night. The other three lads wanted to know where I was going to place my stand in order that they might avoid that area at all costs.

I'm seriously considering hiring myself out to all these "urban gardners" having problems with nuisance deer. I'm quite certain my mere presence would solve their problems.

The place where I hunt has a new problem and one which I'm unfamiliar with. I've had cameras out since July and the only thing that shows up are elk. This is a new phenomena here. So I ask all you great white elk hunters from parts unknown; do elk run off deer, or do my cameras only prefer to take photos of elk? Yes, we here in the east are learning about elk, why just a few weeks ago two gentleman in my area learned the "hard" way that no matter how strong their conviction was to the opposite, they were "taught" by the authorities that elk are not "big deer".

Oh well, muzzle loading starts saturday and then gun, I've still got through January. I am quite fortunate however in that the lads make sure I have all the venison I need regardless of how inept I've become. They've been quite successful this year and there's quite a bit to go.

I don't know about squirrels...

by uncowboy, Wednesday, November 06, 2013, 08:10 (3979 days ago) @ pokynojoe

ok pokynojoe, free advise. camras catching elk.
LOWER your cameras, deer are shorter then elk.

Not seeing deer? Tell your friends to stop putting dryer sheets in your back pack. they really don't help. Good luck with the smoke pole.

All the animals in the woods...

by Brian A, Wednesday, November 06, 2013, 12:43 (3979 days ago) @ uncowboy

definitely cue off the reactions and sounds of each other. I have used it to my advantage by mimicking the sounds of a squirrel rustling around in dry leaves when still hunting. Have killed a couple deer that way so far.


by Catoosa, Wednesday, November 06, 2013, 21:24 (3978 days ago) @ pokynojoe

Talked to a leatherworkin' feller I know up in the Craftsmans Loop outside of Gatlinburg last week. He said they have a young bull that has been around there most of the summer. He apparently wandered across from the Cataloochee herd and took up in the area. Said he seemed to be right friendly since he's young, by himself, and doesn't have a bunch of cows to be protective of. Wonder how that's gonna go later on.

there have also been times I haven't heard a thing

by stonewalrus, Thursday, November 07, 2013, 05:54 (3978 days ago) @ Slow Hand

And opened my eyes to see a deer. I think the calmer more relaxed you are the better you blend in.

Joe, I always enjoy the way you string words together.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, November 07, 2013, 06:45 (3978 days ago) @ pokynojoe

I will have to make a point to make your acquaintance one day.

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