So how much work is it to undo a DAO job on a S&W?
I picked up a nice round butt Model 10 snubbie that this has been done to. It is true DAO, the hammer can not be cocked at all for SA fire. Other than a hammer, what parts might I need to scrounge?
hammer and trigger
Of the Troops & For the Troops
Jeez, don't bury me in words Rob.
Hey, I'm workin here!
Of the Troops & For the Troops
Yikes! Over $100 in parts.
I think I'll embrace the DAO.
You might find a feller that want's to swap...
... but having had a couple dao Ks they are darn slick and easy to hit with.
Of the Troops & For the Troops
Hey Andrew....
....I might be interested in a swap. I have S&W that might be kinda neat as a DAO...
What Rob said...DAO is slick and accuratte.....
Learning to use it to advantage, just takes ammo, and a little coaching helps. Once y'r eye/hand muscles are in sync -- the trigger squeeze, sight picture, and 'break' become one co-ordinate motion. Perfect gun for honing that skill, too. JMHO
Lemme play with this a bit.
If I hate it I'll look you up for a possible parts trade.
It just ain't worth the trouble.
Better send it up to me and save yourself the agony.
Hoot (who wants an M-10 snubbie of any flavor)
That works.
I know of a 3" M 10 Aussie gun
Of the Troops & For the Troops