Navy Yard Shooter

by Charles, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 08:28 (4029 days ago)

Starting to look like the shooter was skitzo, just like the guy who shot up Giffords in Arizona and the Batman movie in Colorado. This stuff is a brain disease and set in on folks in their mid-20 late 20's and early 30's. When they start hearing voices, they can be dangerous people. This is not always the case. But combine this with a touch of paranoia and you have a powder keg.

Navy Yard Shooter

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 08:39 (4029 days ago) @ Charles

Don't forget about the double handful of government approved psychotropic drugs that Drs. pass out without ever really trying to find the root cause of a patients troubles.

another nut case ticking time bomb

by stonewalrus, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 08:46 (4029 days ago) @ Charles

Where people chose to ignore warning signs. Sounds like he was kicked out of the Navy Reserve - how did he get hired as a contractor with high security clearance?!?

We have a big problem

by Charles, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 09:27 (4029 days ago) @ stonewalrus

There are "mental health professionals", that know about these people, but under the Federal health care information privacy laws (HIPPA)can't tell anybody about them, unless they made a credible threat against somebody or themselves. So, they give them a handful of drugs and shove them out the door.

Without supervision, these folks don't stay on their meds. They don't like the way the meds make them feel. Without the meds they are crazy, but happier...until they run off the rails and kill a bunch of folks.

Over the years, I have done three funerals of folks who were killed by mentally ill relatives they tried to keep in their homes and look after them.

I truly don't know what the answer is. These folks are really and truly sick, but their sickness can be lethal to others on a big time scale.

I gotta wonder if HOMELAND "Security" did his background

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 10:40 (4029 days ago) @ stonewalrus

check? SECRET security clearance with two gun crimes...

Of the Troops & For the Troops

He should not have been able to get hired, or a SECRET

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:17 (4029 days ago) @ Charles

security clearance if he was chaptored out of the Navy and had at least two priors involving firearms...

Of the Troops & For the Troops

more info...let the finger pointing begin...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 12:54 (4029 days ago) @ Charles

Yes indeed. When children are raised

by John K., Tuesday, September 17, 2013, 13:33 (4029 days ago) @ Charles

without limits, morals, education, religion and basic societal rules it should be no surprise they act like animals. To make things worse, the weak minded seem to be drawn to video games and I'm-a-victim mindsets.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of them claims to hear voices from a fly-infested pig's head on a stick as in Golding's Lord of the Flies.

He should not have been able to get hired, or a SECRET

by Charles, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 09:28 (4028 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

He received a Honorable Discharge from the Navy.

yep, that with 8 disciplinary infractions...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 09:46 (4028 days ago) @ Charles

This is JUST LIKE the Fairchild Air Base Mass murderer.
Air Force SP Andrew Brown stopped that rampage with a long range pistol shot from his M-9. Davis was armed with a Mak-90 w/75 round mag. A remarkable fete of arms.
On 20 June 1994 a mass murder occurred at the Fairchild Air Force Base, Hospital near Spokane Washington. Dean Allen Mellberg, the killer, had mental health issues since birth. He joined the US Air Force in 1992.

During basic training his Military Training Instructor referred him to the Mental Health facility where it was determined he was not military material. The Commander of the Basic Training squadron disregarded the Mental Health professionals and the Training Instructor’s recommendations. She kept Mellberg in the Air Force. This was the first of many missed opportunities that permitted the seeds of psychopathy to germinate.

Mellberg graduated basic training and went on to Lowry AFB in Colorado, where he learned his trade as an equipment calibration specialist. The school was long, and he went through several roommates, all of them complained of odd behavior. He threatened to kill one of his roommates. He was often seen sitting by himself laughing out loud. At other times he quietly stared at the walls. His instructors at Lowry AFB referred him to Mental Health who again recommended discharge. School officials overruled the instructors and the medical staff, keeping Mellberg in the school and in the Air Force because he made good grades.

In April 1993 Mellberg graduated tech school and reported to his first duty station, Fairchild AFB, Washington. He was assigned to the 92nd Maintenance Squadron and shared a room with another new Airman from the same Squadron. His roommate found him to be oddly quiet, and difficult to get to know. When he asked him where he was from Mellberg said, “I need to get to know people better before I answer questions like that.” That was just the beginning; Mellberg started masturbating in front of his roommate and his girlfriend. When he refused to stop this behavior the roommate went to their First Sergeant for help. Mellberg was referred to Fairchild's base Psychologist and Psychiatrist. They immediately saw trouble in Mellberg and recommended to the Maintenance Squadron Commander that he be discharged.
The Commander wanted to give Mellberg a chance to earn the money the Air Force had just spent training him so he ignored the warnings and let Mellberg stay in the Air Force, after all he was doing “ok” at work.
Mellberg obsessed about the complaint being in his permanent record calling it a crime against humanity.
Fairchild's Mental Health doctors sent Mellberg to the in-patient psych ward at Wilford Hall Medical Center, Lackland AFB, in Texas. Over a period of three months he was diagnosed with several disqualifying mental health issues. Mellberg again avoided discharge and was assigned to Cannon AFB, New Mexico.
After four months at Cannon Mellberg was discharged for a personality disorder. It happened so fast he did not have time to fight it. He refused a plane ticket home, instead opting for the cash value. He withdrew his savings of $6000 and eventually ended up back in Spokane Washington.
He bought a MAK-90 rifle and a 75 round drum magazine. On the afternoon of June 20th, he took a cab to the base Hospital arriving just before 3:00 pm. Mellberg entered the Hospital with his rifle seeking the two doctors who he blamed for his discharge and the ruination of his career.

In a few minutes he had killed five and wounded twenty-two.
Those who were not physically wounded have long suffered the scars of mental trauma.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

One of the early reports I heard...

by Jimmy P., Florida Panhandle, Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 12:34 (4028 days ago) @ Charles

...said that he had received a General Discharge.

We have a big problem

by The Alsatian @, Thursday, September 19, 2013, 16:19 (4027 days ago) @ Charles

Charles, you are certainly right about this. What is more, when things are tense politically in this country, it seems to set these folks off even more. They feed on the negative emotions around them it seems.

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