They will be back!

by Charles, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 10:18 (4078 days ago)

Looking over some mid-50s issues of Guns Magazine and the American Rifleman, I note there were attempts to restrict firearms ownership and use back then and it was not new stuff. Gun owners had to fight and be united.

In 1968 in an emotional response to some political shootings (King and Bobby Kennedy)the anti-gun folks saw an opportunity to ride a wave of public outrage and the Gun Control Act of 1968 was the result.

Little by little some of the anti-gun laws were rolled back, but it took place over decades. The anti-gun folks while rocked back did not give up.

The Sandy Hooks school shooting presented them with the opportunity they had been waiting for and a freshly elected 2nd. term anti-gun president coiled and struck and added by liberal politicians, the Democrat machine and a sympathetic press made a full court press trying to stampede the American people into "reasonable restrictions to protect our children". This was the worse onslaught I have seen since 1968. They were defeated soundly on the Federal level, but gained some ground in a few states with a liberal base in the big cities.

I hope our memory is long enough for us to attempt to punish those elected officials who joined the anti-gun cabal in the next few elections. We won't get them all, but we can get some.

This stuff is not going away, so don't go back to bed and put this on the back burner. Stay active, stay informed and keep your NRA dues current.

They will be back!

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 12:28 (4078 days ago) @ Charles

I remember all that. They will never give up - and even if they were to get what they want, it would not be enough. You have only to look at England.........

I look at England and want to cry.

by Charles, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 12:51 (4078 days ago) @ Cherokee

They has become so civilized and multi-cultural they bear no resemblance to the ancestors that "brought forth on this Continent a new nation, conceived in liberty".

I look at England and want to cry.

by acwzltejaeger @, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 15:44 (4078 days ago) @ Charles

The family of my maternal grand mother is from England. While she is deceased I can
imagne she is rolling over in her grave. Whatever happens in the years to come will be richly deserved by those liberals who made such asinine changes. Sadly, most of them are down right repugnant and the decent folks who were against them and their
children will in the future pay the price.
Just like what is happening in the USA under the Prevaricator in Chief's reign of
Prayerfully Billary will not seek the Presidency in 2016. If that were to be the case
we all had better be pepared to bend over and place our heads between our legs and kiss the USA goodbeye as most of those on this web site once knew it.

She will run.....

by Byron, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 15:50 (4078 days ago) @ acwzltejaeger

and unless the GOP can pull their heads out will be elected. She has enough baggage that a major league "Swift Boat" could sink her. It will be fight.


They will be back!

by Drago, Tuesday, July 30, 2013, 16:35 (4078 days ago) @ Charles

Sadly Charles, a lot of gun owners have short memories or only look to preserve what they personally own. There are those who, since they don't use a Modern Sporting Rifle to hunt with, will gladly sell out the AR-15's and AK types in order to preserve the Remington or Mossberg shotguns they hunt ducks with. Still others view firearms ownership not as a right, but as merely a hobby like stamp collecting or model airplanes. If guns are taken away, they'll just find another pastime. The task we face is to educate all gunowners and get them into this fight with the rest of us.

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