CrossFit vs 60 year old joints/ I sprung myself good...

by Byron, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 19:03 (4095 days ago)

My body has heretofore been pretty much bullet proof and while I don't heal up like I use to I have been able to keep up with most go-getters 20 or 30 years younger.

Workout of the day yesterday was running bleachers (carrying a 100 lb. sandbag).

Not ruptured but torn Achilles's tendon. Hurts a lot. Looks like 12 weeks of rehab/healing.

Could be worse.



CrossFit vs 60 year old joints/ I sprung myself good...

by anachronism, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 19:23 (4095 days ago) @ Byron

:-P I'm 55, and work in a warehouse in blazing heat and freezing cold managing a bunch of guys half my age. I live for the times that one of them will say something is impossible so I can do it and show them up :-) . These 100 degree days are starting to get to me though, and my crew would probably laugh themselves silly to see how hard it is to get out of bed in the mornings. Now my Doc says to knock it off and act like a man 2/3s my age or better, I'm doing too much damage to my knee and hip joints lifting stupidly heavy stuff. I don't remember getting older, when did this happen? Don't ever let them see you wince...

See, that's the difference. I became an old man...

by cas, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 19:40 (4095 days ago) @ anachronism 14 with my first knee injury. It's been all down hill since then.

Hanging with youngsters..........

by Byron, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 19:42 (4095 days ago) @ anachronism

Most of the guys in this group are very competitive 35 year old Majors who have spent a hour a day (or more) on PT for the last 15 years and every workout is about who has the know what...

Fun guys...getting harder to keep up with...


I fold...

by anachronism, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 10:06 (4094 days ago) @ Byron

I've got one really athletic 22 years old who hasn't yet learned to pace himself, one 36 year old who lifts weights, and thinks he's bad (I'm badder), and a thirty something girl who will work like crazy for a bit, then spend three hours doing a half hours worth of paperwork. My crews not terribly focused, and I am, so I ultimately win by the end of the day.

I'm the same vintage - seriously threw out my back

by stonewalrus, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 20:55 (4095 days ago) @ anachronism

A couple of days ago. Currently hobbling around with a cane - a real pain getting old. My son keeps telling me I shouldn't do things without him around.

CrossFit vs 60 year old joints/ I sprung myself good...

by lee jurras @, hagerman,NM, Saturday, July 13, 2013, 21:27 (4095 days ago) @ anachronism

anac, I suffer from the same syndrome, but at 79 I m gradually trying to act my age, but sometimes its hard. Mostly in shooting. :-D

It is amazing how well older bodies usually hold up...

by Brian A, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 06:24 (4095 days ago) @ Byron

But you can overdo things. With moderate, regular exercise and a reasonable diet, it is amazing how well older bodies can manage.

I was at my peak when I was 40...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 08:55 (4095 days ago) @ Byron

That was almost 20 years ago! Now my peaks are in different places, depending on my orientation to vertical at the moment. I stay active but I don't get paid to destroy my body anymore.



I was probably at my peak around 40 too but at roughly

by stonewalrus, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 09:16 (4095 days ago) @ Hobie

49 1/2 my second son was born and I had to buck it up some. Unfortunately I injured my back about 3 years prior which has slowed me down some. I have definitely figured out I'm not bulletproof some time ago.

I do have a down side too

by anachronism, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 10:15 (4094 days ago) @ stonewalrus

About four years ago, shortly after my wife died from kidney disease, I was horribly overstressed and my heart went into full time atrial fibrilation, so I don't have full heart function. The Docs hang a monitor on me once a year to see how I'm progressing. This year the Doc asked me what on earth I was doing at 2:00, since my heart rate went from around 80 to 170 almost instantly. I was moving a 450 lb Detroit Diesel cylinder head by hand from one pallet to another by hand at that time. Doc told me to never, ever do that again, or anything similar to it. So I've had to put a 150 lb limit on my lifting, and that may be a bit too high too. I obviously didn't lift the 450 lb head off the pallet, but lifted one end and moved it a foot or two, then did the same to the other side so I was still dealing with some serious weight. It's really annoying to have a twenty-something he-man attitude, but a damaged 55 year old body to work with.

Nietzsche was right..........

by Byron, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 12:32 (4094 days ago) @ anachronism

What does not kill you makes you stronger.....

Or maybe Kris Kristofferson was right....

"If I had known I would live this long I would have been easier on myself when I was younger".

Lets just giver 'er hell and see how it turns out.



by anachronism, Sunday, July 14, 2013, 13:43 (4094 days ago) @ Byron

FWIW, I can vouch that there is strength after weakness, energy after exhaustion, calm after chaos, and comfort after pain. You just have to keep at it, and never ever give up.

CrossFit vs 60 year old joints/ I sprung myself good...

by John P., Monday, July 15, 2013, 21:00 (4093 days ago) @ Byron

I did some research on CrossFit, and I found that it has a high injury rate with the workouts. For years I did hard heavy workouts with running, martial arts, heavy weight lifting, and various eclectic workouts to enhance my martial arts training ( similar to CrossFit, but before it was around). Now at age 47, I am looking at a hip resurfacing on my right hip in two weeks. I think these heavy hard workouts damage one's body at any age. Look at professional athletes as they age; most are suffering from past injuries. Once I am healed my workouts will be 30-40 minutes of cardio ( fast walking, biking, or elliptical ) and light high rep weight training. Good luck and feel better.

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