I think I got spider-bitten

by FOG, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 09:07 (4116 days ago)

Got a knot on my back just inside my right arm the size of an acorn.

OK, maybe a filbert. :-D

Can't see it too well in the mirror, but it looks like one small 'hole' punched near the center, slightly depressed relative to the surrounding tissue, which is a little pink but not exactly red.

Gave it the 'ol High School Squeeze − as in zits − and a particulalry gross combination of runny and cheesy pus, along with a small amount of blood, erupted from the vent. Ewww!

Otherwise, the knot's pretty solid. Doesn't hurt much unless I touch it. (I know: Don't touch it − LOL)

My conclusion is probable spider bite.

Man, I hate spiders.


I think I got spider-bitten

by lee jurras @, hagerman,NM, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 10:18 (4116 days ago) @ FOG

Lets hope its not a BROWN RECLUSE.:-( :-( :-(

I was bitten by a Brown Recluse.....

by Otony, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 10:33 (4116 days ago) @ lee jurras

......happened over 30 years ago. The doctor opined that it was either a young spider, or one that was partially crushed and not able to inject a full dose. Either way, the results were not pretty (I sat on it....sigh). They had to excise dead skin and flesh in a tender spot.

Ever since then, whenever I'm bit by a house spider or mosquito it means days and days of terrible itching, swelling, and hard knots. Seems as though that bite made me hyper-sensitive to insect venom.

At least my heinie has healed back to its former globular beauty. :-D


Different reactions to venom...

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 13:27 (4116 days ago) @ Otony

Years ago I spent a night over a waterhole waiting for game - ended up being devoured by the only local fauna to show up, the "asa dura" - a hard winged, blood sucking little insect native to the sertão. The next morning the backs of my hands and my face (the only parts of my anatomy not protected by clothing) were red and swollen, bites covered the bites on top of the bites bitten into the bites below. A huge amount of stuff was injected into my system, resulting in a zero reaction to mosquito bites and many other blood sucking critters as well. Never been spider bit, but suspect an arachnid's injection would produce a very different type of reaction to that of the mini-vampires.

What on earth do you do to get bit by spiders? We live "in the tropics" and so far have managed to avoid such things.

same thing happened to me, but no skin loss; i was

by cable, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 15:07 (4116 days ago) @ Otony
edited by cable, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 15:27

in the army and got the brown recluse on the left forearm , which was delightful since i had just gotten a scorpion sting on the right forearm the day before. same story: would have been a lot worse if it had really injected me more.

i have seen a few that required skin grafting. so far we dont have any reliable treatment for these.

could it be a tick bite?... sounds like the tick bites I get

by D. Sikes, Ozarks of Missouri, Sunday, June 23, 2013, 13:42 (4116 days ago) @ FOG

and about the right spot too... under the arms in or near the arm pit... inside legs near crotch... etc... same reaction... bump, red, "hole" in center.. squeeze and puss and blood... occasionally I get lucky and the tick is still there where I can get it and kill it..

Spiders Hide In Your Bedding & Your Clothing....

by ~JM~, Monday, June 24, 2013, 10:34 (4115 days ago) @ D. Sikes

...Whether the Clothes be hanging in a closet or folded in a drawer. The spiders like dark corners & soft material. Grab a shirt & put it on... next thing you know... you've been bit! I always shake my Clothes vigorously before putting them on & ALWAYS check the inside of your Shoes or Boots. I usually give them a good smack or two. Grab them by the Toes & sort of like clapping the Soles together while the opening is pointed down. I grew up in Arizona & have found a Centipede in my bed along with other types of ugly little critters over the years. Even with a spotless clean home & the "Bug Guy" spraying the house once a month they still get in once in a while.

The Brown Recluse used to be an east side spider from what I've been told. With people moving to the west side & the spider liking to live in cardboard boxes, it eventually established itself pretty much nation wide. I had a dog that was bitten by what was believed to be a Brown Recluse. Almost had to amputate his leg. The leg was eventually saved, but the poor dog really went through a lot of dead tissue removal & pain. Damned nasty spiders those Brown Recluse! Squash 'em dead every time you see one. Same with the Black Widows... Just squash 'em.

Be careful

I think it was probably 'Spider Lite'

by FOG, Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 08:19 (4114 days ago) @ FOG

The lump is still there, but following the Let It Be theory, it's going down all by itself.

Better yet, no parts fell off. :-D

Bonus Track!

The Beatles - Let It Be (2011 Stereo Remastered) [HiD] - 1970 Video Performance with Billy Preston on Keyboards


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