Talk about pulling it out of your a.... well take a look!
Talk about pulling it out of your a.... well take a look!
he is going to do real well in prison.
Talk about pulling it out of your a.... well take a look!
At least it was a Spanish copy instead of a real Smith!
How would you like to be the poor sap who got stuck test firing it?
A real HOLE-ster
Talk about pulling it out of your a.... well take a look!
The article mentions injuries to his butt from the gun. From the looks of the guy I find injuries to be rather surprising.
One of our parolees robbed a house, stole a safe with cash in it, cracked the smallish safe, and was pulled over in a Ford Econoline. He refused to exit the vehicle and was found in the back laying down by the swat ninjas. No money. They discovered at the jail that he "might have kiestered the money". To the hospital he goes. The cash was recovered. It was north of 16,000 dollars. It was not all 100's either. The hospital autoclaved the cash and it went into evidence, and was later returned to the aggrieved party. I do not know, but I would assume he then exchanged it at one of our local banks. I would have. He went to the DOC and is now known as "The Vault".
Talk about pulling it out of your a.... well take a look!
yup, over the years i worked in jails and penitentiaries, i found some real interesting stuff in convicts butts! best ever was a 60 watt light bulb, i still wonder whose bright idea that was! worst i ever heard was at San Quentin, convict went before the state parole board and while awaiting the results of his interview, withdrew a 10+ inch shank from his colon and when given his results, no parole-ever, he stabbed 3 parole examiners with the s#1##y shank.
Talk about pulling it out of your a.... well take a look!
That was a crappy deal for everyone!