Good muslims...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 18:47 (4156 days ago)

Good muslims... You mean, like Good Indians?

by Edward Young, Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 19:06 (4156 days ago) @ Hobie


desicrating the gaves of US servimen ...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 19:23 (4156 days ago) @ Hobie


Of the Troops & For the Troops

I mean that they are good Muslims for doing what they

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 21:21 (4156 days ago) @ Edward Young

are doing but they aren't good people and we need to recognize that. That is a British military cemetery.



I was just being obtuse.

by Edward Young, Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 21:39 (4156 days ago) @ Hobie


I mean that they are good Muslims for doing what they

by Fivegunner @, LOWELL Mi., Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 00:56 (4155 days ago) @ Hobie

you got that right!!!

Good muslims...

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 11:24 (4155 days ago) @ Hobie

Wow, really tough! They wouldn't have the balls to stand and fight against those soldiers buried there were they alive. What a bunch of pathetic pussies.

Sad, very sad...

by Charles, Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 11:27 (4155 days ago) @ Hobie

I don't know what they think that accomplished. They worked up a sweat just to show disrespect? Such an act only reflects poorly in themselves, their culture and their religion. But, I don't guess they care much about that.

In January of 1973, I spent a week of study at the Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies in Hydrabad India, trying to get a good grasp on the religion of islam. I found nothing in that time, that made me admire or respect that belief system. That has been 40 years and I still feel the same way. At the time, I thought is was just an academic exercise and would not be a present danger to myself, my country and those I love. I was wrong about that!

The long and short of it, the followers of any religion can't rise any higher than their founding guy. Do a quick study of Mohammed and Jesus and you will see why they are like they are and why Christians are like they are. This video shows Mohammed's religious DNA centuries after his death.

Bingo!! Charles you have it just right ....that is the

by cable, Thursday, May 16, 2013, 09:50 (4154 days ago) @ Charles

essence of it in a very clear, concise way!!

Big Mo -- as the religion and tradition portray him wasn't .

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Thursday, May 16, 2013, 10:36 (4154 days ago) @ Charles

a nice guy, at all. Salman Rushdie did a short novella of him, that illuminates that desert raider/city merchant era, as fiction may do. Another study of Ye Prophet by an Englishman is more of deconstructed literary and historical search of who the man was, and quickly his message and ideas became overlaid and burdened with other peoples ambition, family, and tribal politics: POWER. In his opinion, the Prophet's original message has been nearly buried and corrupted beyond recognition.

As well, the Spanish Jews, Muslims,and Christians in the lower half of the country apparently enjoyed an intellectual mutual Renaissance of learning around 900AD [date is speculative due to my porous memory] They were co-operating on translations of ancient documents of learning that were still available at that time, and benefiting the arts of medicine and science, as well as philosophy. Then deep desert fanatic tribes crossed the Mediterranean and sweet North, religiously purging and destroyed all 'impious & infidel' learning.

As with all history, it is interesting to speculate upon the possible turns and futures that may happened, had other paths been followed by the Followers. Perhaps the world did not have to be saddled with a minority bunch of violently apocalyptic murderous, torturing crazoids. The Muslim families I knew while growing up, and even into adulthood, were well assimilated, and apparently quite unconcerned about the Old World Medieval Politically Correctness that now seems to rule that community. The were , so far I was aware, Americans and hard-working first..and Muslims secondarily. And probably damn well happy to be shed of the Old World mullah-nut cases, and primitive mountain barbarians that now are claiming Rulership.

My wife and I first ran into this Intolerance, at a symposium down at Ohio State University, to hear the 'papers' being presented by new grad students. The details aren't necessary to relate. However, the 'religion of peace' took a dump into the ground floor of an outhouse, so far as we were concerned.

Big Mo -- as the religion and tradition portray him wasn't .

by Charles, Thursday, May 16, 2013, 12:13 (4154 days ago) @ John Meeker

IMHO there are several different kinds of Muslims

1. Those who take it seriously and live it out. They are the dangerous ones.
2. Those who take it seriously and don't live it out. They root for the dangerous ones, pray for them and send them money.
3. Those who don't take it seriously and don't live it out. They are afraid of #1 and #2 above, so they just keep their mouths shut and duck their heads. They will not actively oppose the nuts. In doing so, the turn it all over to the nuts and nut supporters.

As Michael Savage said..

by Andrew @, Bloomington, IN, Thursday, May 16, 2013, 19:09 (4154 days ago) @ Charles

They haven't gone through a Reformation. At this point, I don't see it happening because they are winning. PC handling of the problem will not end well.

IMO, Michael Savage is a disease unto himself

by FOG, Friday, May 17, 2013, 06:11 (4153 days ago) @ Andrew


When he first started out, he was kind of 'funny'...

Unfortunately, that was a long time ago.

HTH :-)


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