I want a 32-20

by woody, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 14:36 (4323 days ago)
edited by woody, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 17:02

I've deceided I want a 32-20. For me it would be the perfect woods gun. At least this week. What are my options? I was thinking a DA revolver. Been checking out the S&W on gunbroker but wouldn't mind a single action either. I would also like to get a rifle at some point too.

One of the reasons for this is I inherited a ton of reloading stuff for the 32-20. Bullets,brass,dies, bullet molds etc. unfortunately I didn't inherit the gun too. Plus I have always like the round.

What are my options? What doe others have/use? Thanks.

Pretty tough to beat the FA97!

by Fermin Garza, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 15:34 (4323 days ago) @ woody

Here is mine, a 5.5" octagon. [image]

I have a 1905 4th change that needs a bit of work.

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 15:39 (4323 days ago) @ woody

It has been shot enough that there is definite flame cutting of the top strap and the barrel is loose. On top of that it looks every bit like it has been rode hard and put up wet. I still like it. However, I think that Fermin is absolutely right. You can't beat an FA97. I'd spring for a cylinder in .327 Federal, .32 H&R and maybe even in .32 S&W Long. Yeah I would. Sure. That's the ticket...



I knew someone was going to suggest a FA

by woody, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 16:10 (4323 days ago) @ Fermin Garza

I would love to have a Freddom Arms and that is the first gun I thought of but I can't swing that right now. I wish Ruger made a mid size frame 32/20. I have a single six 32 H&R and love that gun.

I saw a Winchester 1873 come into a pawn shop today.

by Andrew @, Bloomington, IN, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 17:07 (4323 days ago) @ woody

It was a .32-20. Dude sold it for $400. Painful I didn't see him in the lot.

S&W M&P is nice

by Glen, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 19:09 (4323 days ago) @ woody


I saw an M&P in 32-20 at Bucky O'Neill's...

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 19:21 (4323 days ago) @ woody

I can't recall if it is still there. 928-778-2400 They had a couple older SAAs last I looked.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I want a 32-20

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 19:32 (4323 days ago) @ woody

I really like the 32-20, here are a few:
Rifles by Marlin:

Ruger 30 Carbines with 32-20 Cylinders by Andy Horvath:

Ruger Buckeye:

I had an old Colt PP in 32-20 that was fun and accurate, but it slipped away. You have to be careful sizing the cases to not crush the mouth but its easy to load and usually accurate.

Look for a Smith and Wesson then. Ben Forkin had one

by Fermin Garza, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 20:01 (4323 days ago) @ woody

we were shooting in Raton that was death on long range steel....

Bowen is building me a K32...

by Boge Quinn, Saturday, May 11, 2013, 20:53 (4323 days ago) @ woody

...6" barrel, 32/20 / 327 Federal dual-cylinder on an old K38. Taking his time, though!

Given a .32 Mag Single-Six, I'd get a rifle in .32/20

by FOG, Sunday, May 12, 2013, 03:53 (4323 days ago) @ woody
edited by FOG, Sunday, May 12, 2013, 07:32

[SPG Edit]

I realize it can loaded down, but I always thought of the .32/20 as almost a 'magnum' cartridge, or at least a 'high-performance' one.

Since the pickin's are pretty slim these days when it comes to heavy-duty .32/20 sixguns, if I was mainly intent upon playing with the caliber and getting a good all-around introduction to it at the same time, I'd probably get a rifle.

My personal favorite among modern rifles is the Browning 53 lever action, which do show up pretty often, but aren't exactly inexpensive.

If I was out for a bargain, I'm not sure there are many to be found in .32/20. The caliber seems to create its own 'buzz', and this is usually reflected in the going prices (or those they are driven to via auction).

Also, while I would usually 'vote' S&W, this is one case I probably wouldn't. The prewar guns are great, but a nice one will cost quite a bit, and the K-frame does not constitute 'heavy-duty', not even in .32/20. Regardless of condition (within reason, of course), an M&P in that caliber would have to be treated fairly gently in terms of loads, which in turn would not begin to tap the potential of the cartridge.

Like I said, I'd get a rifle. HTH :-)


If you have to have a revolver, I understand

by FOG, Sunday, May 12, 2013, 07:45 (4323 days ago) @ woody

In that case, if I was 'stuck' on a DA, I'd probably get a Colt O-frame (aka, '.41' frame).

All things being 'equal' − which, of course, they are not − it might afford a bit more strength than a prewar Smith & Wesson K-frame.

It might also turn out to be cheaper; S&Ws seem to be getting the lion's share of collector attention these days.

In any case, I suppose you saw this one, and it still has a ways to go, but the high bid is still pretty low at the moment...

Colt Army Special .32.20 Win. 5" @ GunBroker


Of course, it probably won't 'last', but HTH nonetheless... :-D


I bet it shoots better than my old S&W!

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, May 12, 2013, 10:45 (4322 days ago) @ FOG

Pardon me while I wipe up the drool on my desk top...



For a rifle, I'd pick a Browning Model 53, and for a handgun

by JD, Western Washington, Monday, May 13, 2013, 14:45 (4321 days ago) @ woody

For a handgun, I'd go for a Ruger Buckeye Blackhawk in 32-20, with the spare 32 Mag cylinder. They usually shoot really well (Mine does....) and are very versatile. A little heavy but still a great gun.

If you want the classiest rifle, I think it's the Browning Model 53.... Just beautiful.... I also have a Savage 23B in 32-20... A bit strange looking as it is a bolt gun, but they are truely amazing in the accuracy department and will probably out shoot any other 32-20 that you'll ever find. Last but not least are the Remington Model 25 pumps in 32-20. I have a Model 25R factory carbine in 32-20.... It is smaller and lighter than most 22 rifles and is hard to beat as a woods bumming rifle..

Oh, the endless possibilities.... :-) :-D

I want a 32-20

by Remington40x @, SE PA, Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 10:28 (4320 days ago) @ woody

I scratched that itch recently with a Smith & Wesson K-frame. Because I'm a pack rat, I had a Wondersight to mount on it. Now I want a rifle (local toy store has a Marlin .32-20 in pretty nice condition, but with the hated safety). If I had the money, I'd buy the FA97. And I'm thinking about a .32-20 barrel for my Contender. I do think the cartridge is addictive.

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