"criminals don't wait!"
Watching the TV news tonight I heard this quote. Some robbers came into a restaurant to rob a jewelry salesman. The restaurant owner called 911 and was PUT ON HOLD! FOR 5 MINUTES! Another employee in the restaurant told the news reporter- "What are we supposed to do, ask the robbers to wait because we are on hold? Criminals don't wait!"
Everyone should keep this in mind. The goal of the people working in 911 call centers is to collect a paycheck. YOUR safety is not their goal. YOUR safety needs to be YOUR goal.
"criminals don't wait!"
"A hand on a gun is better than a cop on the phone," Jerry Ellis, Oklahoma State House of Representatives.
Jerry was the State Representative when he made that statement, he's now OUR Senator for the same district. I've grown up within 20 mile of Jerry and known him most of my life. He's on OUR SIDE. A good man and we're proud of him.