This is why I can't find factory Sig P220 mags...

by rob @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 12:49 (4182 days ago)

Unbelievable that people will pay that kind of money for a single stack 8 round magazine. I don't know if I fault the sellers/scalpers or the buyers. If people were not that ignorant these idiots wouldn't be able to get away with this. When you buy at this price YOU create the demand. Grrrr! Hopefully the two ACT-MAG's I just got will do great and if so I'll buy more.

Is it scalping at an auction? People, particularly people

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 14:08 (4182 days ago) @ rob

in certain jurisdictions are desperately trying to stay ahead of the law-makers. Always logical or reasonable? No. Always understandable? Yes. Because they are competing with one another the price will be driven up.



I call it like I see it...

by rob @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 15:05 (4182 days ago) @ Hobie

They buy as much of this stuff as they can and resell it at scalper prices. I don't buy the argument about people in some states trying to stay ahead of the law. I've pulled up posts on these Sig magazines going back to 2009 and its been a consistent story. And if you live in NY you can have a 10 shot magazine, you just can't have more than 7 rounds loaded in it and there is no shortage of 10 round or less mags...mostly just Sig P220 mags. When someone pays exorbitant prices for anything they create a demand for that product at that price. Yeah, I think its wrong on both sides.

SIG magazines were always relatively 'expensive' around here

by FOG, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 15:19 (4182 days ago) @ rob

Well, maybe not 'recently' (but before the current rush).

I haven't kept up with the brand for a while, but a 7-round factory P220 mag used to cost more than any 1911 mag, even from the high end of the aftermarket.

In any case, I'm curious: What were 8-round factory P220 magazines costing before the current surge in demand?

Are they all stainless?

Also, if one or more could be found, how much would you pay?

One LGS might have some, but I haven't been in there for a while. It also changed hands recently (I've been there once since), but I honestly can't think of their new name, so I'd probably have to go see in order to find out if they have any...


I can get you three of them for $45 each

by FOG, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 15:34 (4182 days ago) @ rob

I asked them to set all three aside for me.

Note that I'd have to pay sales tax (around 8.5 percent).

With shipping, you're probably looking at something like $150-$155 if I send them to you Priority.

Let me know if you want them.

We can work out repayment later.

PS: Sorry, but I forgot to ask if they are stainless.

PPS: I can 'cancel' the set-aside, I'm sure...


Email also sent.

by FOG, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 15:39 (4182 days ago) @ FOG



SIG magazines were always relatively 'expensive' around here

by rob @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 15:39 (4182 days ago) @ FOG

Sig lists the P226 mags at about $40 from their web sight. They don't even list a P220 mag right now as nobody, not even Sig has them in stock (save mabey some LGS). Mec-Gar makes the factory mags and Mec-Gar 18 round anti-friction coated mags are very available for anywhere fron 26.99-30:something. I would gladly pay $40-$45 for a quality factory pistol mag. They are selling them on eBay for over triple that. Having just bought two ACT mags, two boxes of 9mm carry ammo and 200 rounds of WWB 9mm I can't afford to buy anything but groceries and pay bills for a couple weeks:) I just refuse to participate in the panic buying (for mags, guns, ammo, etc.) at exorbitant prices. It drives the demand for more of same and makes it harder for the average guy or new gun owner to get what they need.

Sorry I couldn't help.

by FOG, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 15:54 (4182 days ago) @ rob



Me too!

by rob @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 16:05 (4182 days ago) @ FOG

I wish I could have done this before buying those other mags. I sincerely appreciate your efforts! A very kind offer my friend:)

They buy as much as they can (or already have it but

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 16:26 (4182 days ago) @ rob
edited by Hobie, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 16:30

don't have a job) and sell it for as much as they can. It is called life. I call it as I see it, too. ;-)

No, I don't like it. No, I don't participate (I hold on to what I'm hoarding). But I understand it. Understanding is the first step in dealing with it.

As to the SIG mags specifically. It seems that SIG prices their magazines to match MSRP on their pistols. I wouldn't say that they are like the diamond conglomerates fixing the prices but it seems they will always cost more than a similar magazine from another maker.



No different than the guys who sold gas for $10+ a gallon...

by Boge Quinn, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 16:29 (4182 days ago) @ Hobie

...after Katrina. Folks bought it because they had to, just like folks now think they have to. We need to remember who tried to gouge us after all this is over.

Jeff talked to me just today (on camera) about it, uploading the video now.

That's your prerogative

by rob @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 16:29 (4182 days ago) @ Hobie


I just sold five factory 10 rounders for $25 or $30 each.

by cas, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 18:17 (4182 days ago) @ rob

No wonder they sold so fast. :-D

As for mag buying craziness.

by cas, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 18:21 (4182 days ago) @ cas

Last month I bought a few CZ mags. Afterwards the distributor was still showing 336 CZ75 mags in stock.

A week later a friend said he was buying a CZ and offered to get him mags. In a week they were all gone.

It's definitely craziness. ...

by rob @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 18:37 (4182 days ago) @ cas

Some of it I can understand. Obama and the Dems created a LOT of first time gun buyers and they need ammo as well. A lot of it was people simply trying to capitalize on the situation buying hundreds of P-Mags at a time, clearing the shelves at Walmart and Academy (until they put up limits...thankfully) and then taking it to ebay, gunbroker and gun shows to scalp the desperate...most of whom were made that way by realizing there was no ammo and panicked...and there was no ammo because people were willing pawns in the scalper's game. I have several thousand rounds of .22LR. I could easily have put it on gun broker for $75 a brick and people would have been buying from me at half the cost some people were paying. I just can't do that to someone. Fortunately I was prepared to wait out the frenzy. I just hope now that the gun bills are dead the ammo companies can catch up:)

Great video!

by rob @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 19:40 (4182 days ago) @ Boge Quinn

Exactly my point and they are scalpers...worse really because they are preying on people's fears and making it harder for the average guy or gal to get what they need. Fortunately I was prepared but what about someone just coming of age to buy a gun and not being able to buy the gun or ammo. I know a kid who desperately wants a plain 10/22 and can't find one. It's pitiful if you ask me and plain unAmerican. It may be the new America with greed at any cost but it sure doesn't represent our original core values of faith, family, freedom. It's become every man for himself in much of this country and its not for the better.

Surprised to see magazines on Ebay

by Drago, Friday, April 19, 2013, 11:16 (4181 days ago) @ rob

After Virginia Tech, they made selling magazines a no-no. Obviouly the auction police are falling down on the job.

Some is ignorance by the person hired to do the

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Friday, April 19, 2013, 17:28 (4181 days ago) @ Drago

"reviews" or whatever they call them. I have an Old Army I bought which was auctioned on Ebay. The seller just stuck an orange ear plug in the muzzle and they apparently thought it was a toy...



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