Background check plan defeated in Senate, Obama rips gun

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 18:27 (4183 days ago)

bill opponents..n Biden weeps Bloomberg rages. Feinstein fumes...sounds like a good day, so far!

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Of the Troops & For the Troops


by JLF @, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 19:50 (4183 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Every amendment went down in flames today. Feinstein's AWB was crushed 60-40! Reid is expected to yank the actual bill tomorrow since it has no chance of passage. "We whupped 'em again, Josey!"


Background check plan defeated in Senate, Obama rips gun

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 22:04 (4183 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Round one victory, we'll need to keep the pressure on for any more attempts.

The hysterical shreiking will now intensify

by Catoosa, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 22:17 (4183 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

The polytickians and their media shills will call the NRA the most scurrilous names imaginable. We will be accused of the bloodthirsty murder of thousands of innocents. I can't recall Osama Bin Laden and his murdering crew being called worse things than the NRA has been called in recent weeks, and it will get worse. All because they have stood up to defend our rights.

I wish someone could tell me why it is "hate speech" when directed toward any other group or individual, but "freedom of the press" when the same terms are used to refer to the NRA and it's members.

tell them to focus on NIMH instead

by bj2, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 00:00 (4183 days ago) @ Catoosa

No person is safe as long as there are mentally unbalanced people out there.

Looks like some people are learning.

by Murphy @, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 06:36 (4182 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

The media lie's.

More gun control is NOT WANTED.

Be sure to remember all those who voted against us come next election time. Its not over until we drive a stake thru their bleeding hearts.


Maybe next time, gun buyers won't go into panic mode

by FOG, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 07:44 (4182 days ago) @ Murphy
edited by FOG, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 07:55

(SPG Edit)

Just such a sap was retelling his sad tale of woe at the LGS the other day, pretty much to anyone who would listen: Many years ago, he 'invested' a huge sum in some oddball POS from the '94 AWB era, and he still can't get rid of it, apparently not at any price.

Then again, I can't find any .22 ammo, so maybe I shouldn't talk.

But I think I will anyway: I bet − almost hope, frankly − every clown who overpaid for an 'assault rifle', a 'high-capacity' handgun or magazine, or ammunition of any caliber to 'stockpile' is kicking himself.

If not, he should be.


Reply to current Move On drama page

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Thursday, April 18, 2013, 07:55 (4182 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

'Aunties' predicate their argument on a belief in 'fool-proof' idealism; 2Ar's recognize the reality of human imperfection. By force of fiat or by wishing, human affairs are not perfectible. A herd of sheep may be grateful to the Shepard for protection from predators: they may assume that they are safe, while the deny their eventual utility.

So it is with the 'perfectionist' arguments here. The assumption of safety for the individual, by insuring equal protected sheep-dom, does not work out either socially or politically. However, the whole of the sheep are more satisfied with their lot, than facing the true un- perfectibility of mankind.

The general creeping of Liberty towards a Police state is understandable -- it looks safer within that boundary. It is an illusion that sells well, and useful for those seeking further power over the lives and income of other citizens. All the rest of these arguments are illusory -- this about who owns you. Yourself or the State?

Well, rock on....future history is what we are now. As an old friend from Mississippi usta say: "It doan be who you is, it's how you be's." There are a considerable amount of citizens 'out here' that are quite content to be free. The total elimination of firearms will make you any more free; it will make you a client of the state. Clients are not citizens, nor are they free. But for so many of you, if you have the entertainment and material comforts and a promise of physical security, you consider yourself to be so.

Adios, from an old-time 'Murican revolting family. True, dat.

This Shocking Ad For New Gun Laws Really Drives The Point Home
This was made to be shared. WARNING: Not suitable for viewers who suffer from gun violence trauma. WATCH:

Based on history, people are dumb and continually repeat the

by John K., Thursday, April 18, 2013, 13:01 (4182 days ago) @ FOG

mistakes of the past. It has to really, really hurt to stick, even for a few years.

ANY gun person caught short lately... after witnessing the shortages and price increases happening at a faster and faster rate... ought to be ashamed.

I view my stockpile in the same way I view a capacitor/battery on a DC bus - it's a filter against sudden voltage fluctuations, sometimes taking energy from the bus, sometimes giving it back; and the result is a smooth and consistant voltage with no dips or spikes.

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