Gun Control Registraton Legislation

by altejaeger @, Central Texas, Monday, April 15, 2013, 19:17 (4185 days ago)

Checking pending gun registration legislation and find that Sen. Tester, Dem, MT, has indicated he will VOTE FOR the pending Gun Control Registration. Pretty dam sad when anyone from a pro-gun state like Monana would even think about voting for it.
There must have been one hell of a bunch of move in's from Kalif and other anti-gun states to have caused this or Ovomit/Biden promised him many things to have made this
asinine decision. For a U.S. Senator from a pro-gun western state to even thinking positive on this topic is ludicrous. Also, note that slickie boy Baucas is yet undecided. Apparently, he is weighing things very carefully so as to get re-elected to a seventh term. Playing both ends against the middle knowing the legislation may well go down to defeat in the House is part of his ploy. Where have all the pro-gunners in Montana gone? :-( :eyebrows:

If we don't get term limits...

by rob @, Monday, April 15, 2013, 19:34 (4185 days ago) @ altejaeger

and fast, we are screwed. They are only concerned about keeping their powerful positions and their prestigious titles these days. We've come a long long way from the government shall derive its powers by the consent of the governed. Now they tell us that after they pass a bill we can be privy to what's in it...of course they know what's best for us right;) I think we have gone too far to turn things around at the polls. The Republicans are playing defense thinking they have to be like democrats to win elections and the more like democrats they become, the more of their base they loose. They had more independents vote republican in the last presidential election than ever in history and they were slaughtered because the base stayed home. We are in deep trouble.

If we don't get term limits...

by bob, Monday, April 15, 2013, 20:40 (4185 days ago) @ rob

both of the Warshinton Senators and the local Rep are in favour of registration, but then, they are demorats that follow the Pied Piper.

Gun Control Registraton Legislation

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 18:45 (4183 days ago) @ altejaeger

Baucus is obviously liking his job and knew it was over soon unless he voted for his contituency.

Loved the yahoo pic of scummie and dummie with the disgusted look on their faces with headline about the vote (only wish I could post it)!

Hopefully the first of MANY losses in the future.

Spring is in the air

Turkeys gobbling and struttin in the yard

Life is good . . . NO GREAT!!!

Let us all pray for those survivors and their families as a result of yesterdays act of scum sucking cowardice.

Obama called the gun control opponents liars - I hope he

by stonewalrus, Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 19:56 (4183 days ago) @ altejaeger

Pays for that and ticks more people about the pot calling the kettle black :-P

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