Thinking about hanging a tac light on a Glock...

by Josh M., Sunday, April 14, 2013, 19:04 (4186 days ago)

That subject aught to just about get me banned as a troll.

Have a G17 that I'm thinking about putting on nightstand duty.

I'm looking for a light that is as tough as the gun, and will last just as long. I only want to buy it once.

Who got one with a decient round-count that youed recommend.

Thanks - JM.

Thinking about hanging a tac light on a Glock...

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Sunday, April 14, 2013, 19:14 (4186 days ago) @ Josh M.

Stream light or surefire seem to be the best two choices. I have a TLR-3 on my G-19. Some guys don't like the space between the trigger guard and the shorter TLR-3 (compared to the TLR-1) but with my big hands I have no troubles reaching it. I recently made a hater for a guys G-19 with a Surefire X300, so I got to at with the light for a few days. It was very bright! I doubt you'd go wrong with either one.

Burn, heretic, burn!!

by mcassill, Sunday, April 14, 2013, 19:32 (4186 days ago) @ Josh M.

I've had a SureFire on my G21 for better than a dozen years, works just fine. Same G21, btw, that I once broke out on the firing line at a Linebaugh Seminar just to see how 230 gr. XTPs fly at long range. Very well, in case you're wondering.

Surefire is the way to go

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Sunday, April 14, 2013, 20:41 (4186 days ago) @ Josh M.


Of the Troops & For the Troops

Thinking about hanging a tac light on a Glock...

by BobM, Ohio, Sunday, April 14, 2013, 20:41 (4186 days ago) @ Josh M.

We've had over a dozen Streamlight TLR-1 lights in service since about 07 or so. Two of them had issue and Streamlight very quickly took care of it each time. You can find one used once in a while in the $75 range but now shouldn't be much over $100. I think Surefire probably makes a better light but it'll cost at least twice as much.

Surefire vs. Streamlight

by FOG, Monday, April 15, 2013, 07:36 (4186 days ago) @ Josh M.
edited by FOG, Monday, April 15, 2013, 07:54

Streamlight may be good at taking care of 'issues'; Surefire is better if you'd rather avoid them altogether.

The only caveat gleaned from personal experience concerns spare parts.

I have an obsolete Surefire 12ZM "Combat Light" (500 Lumens), and they no longer make or sell lamps for it. I have three, but that's it.

When you consider the fact that the flashlight itself is built like the proverbial tank and made to last 'forever', one wonders why Surefire was so relatively quick to drop support for the product.

Lesson Learned: If you go with Surefire, and if you really want it to last 'forever', buy all the spare parts you can see yourself ever possibly needing, as they will likely be dropped at some point in the relatively near future.

This includes 'top-of-the-line' Surefire products (which the 12ZM most definitely was).

Of course, in the age of LEDs, this no longer concerns lamps, but I would definitely look into extra small parts such as switches and get at least one spare of each most likely to wear out.

HTH :-)

ETA: Surefire does have 350-Lumen lamps that fit my 12ZM, but that's a lot less than the 500 Lumens that I orginally 'bargained for'...


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