Emailed my Senators this morning...

by Boge Quinn, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 09:01 (4191 days ago)

Dear Senator ,

The time has come for all freedom-loving Americans to stand and defend our God-given and Constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep and bear arms. Those who would use whatever tragedy they can muster to forward their political agendas are gathering like dark clouds of oppression to strip our precious Rights from us.

I am concerned about the push for legislation under the aegis of a "gun show loophole". It seems that most of Congress cannot figure out that no "gun show loophole" exists; ALL transfers of guns from FFL-holding dealers are subject to the same regulations, whether the transfer takes place at a gun show or in the FFL dealer's store. The so-called "gun show loophole" is nothing more than an attempt by left-wing extremists to regulate transfers of guns between private citizens; it is a dangerous first step towards banning any private transfer of firearms, whether it be a father who wishes to give his son his first .22 rifle, or one who wishes to leave his guns as part of his estate. I read this morning of a "deal" brokered by Sens. Manchin and Toomey which would require background checks on all "commercial" gun sales; these sales are already regulated, and this "deal" represents nothing more than the camel's nose under the tent. I urge you to stand against it.

"Magazine capacity limits" are just that - LIMITS. ANY infringement upon our Rights is too much, as was recognized by the Founding Fathers. I prefer "cowboy-style" sixguns and lever-action rifles personally, but I recognize that the weapons so frequently (and incorrectly) referred to as "assault rifles" are precisely the type of weapons that the Second Amendment was meant to protect. The Second Amendment is not about hunting, sport, or even personal protection; rather, it is about citizens having the ability to resist Tyranny with weapons suitable for a Militia. It is about Power resting in the hands of the People, not the Government. Taking these suitable weapons out of the hands of law-abiding citizens has historically never proven to be for the good of the People; Tyranny favors the Tyrants.

I ask that you search your heart for the truth, and that you not let the emotional tide of the moment overwhelm your duty to those who continue to support you in office. Please stand with us now, and do whatever you can do to keep the wolves of Tyranny away from the door of Freedom. Help prevent the current proposed legislation from coming to a vote, and proudly stand as a Patriot if it does come to a vote. America and Tennessee are counting on you to preserve the Second Amendment, the linchpin of our freedoms.

God bless,

Boge Quinn

Well stated. I hope you get a better response that I do

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 10:35 (4190 days ago) @ Boge Quinn

Platitudes and poli-double speak fro Jeff Flake and nothing from Mr McGoo

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Emailing my Senators would be a waste of time...

by Drago, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 13:05 (4190 days ago) @ Boge Quinn
edited by Drago, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 13:37

...They're DiDi and Babs (Feinstein and Boxer). I guess we have new names to add to the pantheon of traitors; Arnold, Quisling, and now Manchin, McCain, Heller,Isakson, Graham, Collins,Toomey, Kirk, and Ayotte.

MCcain is one of mine BUT he still hears from me.

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 15:14 (4190 days ago) @ Drago

They need to hear from the opposition!

Of the Troops & For the Troops

The Manchin compromise...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, 17:16 (4190 days ago) @ Boge Quinn

Them dumb peckerwoods have come up with a "compromise" that #1, makes one do a background check on internet sales (ain't that already the way?);-) and makes two different classes of private sales, those at gun shows and those not at the venue... I understand the worst of it, that they aren't talking about, is the forever ban if you ever get counseling as with every cop or service-member dealing (or allegedly) with what they call PTSD now.



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