Moleskin for shooting

by FOG, Sunday, January 01, 2012, 15:18 (4658 days ago)

I'd bet many if not most here know all about this, but it doesn't take up much space and it might help someone, so here goes.

I was corresponding with a seller on Gunbroker, and the sometimes need for skin grafts after shooting big-bore DA revolvers came up. You see, as we age our skin loses its elasticity so this problem will turn up sooner or later for most of us, hence the reason for this post.

What happens is this: The grip of the gun sort of grabs a patch of skin at some high-friction point bearing the recoil, such as at the base of the thumb. With a single-action, it might be more in the palm. In any case, said patch of skin is neatly removed during shooting, thus exposing the "sub-dermal" layer (not sure of the correct medical term here).

This can be quite painful. For many, it can also be rather slow-healing.

I was bemoaning this occurence to some non-shooting-but-very-much-into-hiking friends one day, and they steered me toward THE CURE in the form of self-adhesive moleskin.

Note that it only takes a small strip of moleskin to do the job (just enough to cover the 'hot spot') so it presents little if any interference with a "natural" grasp on the gun (much less than even thin, close-fitting gloves).

You can usually find moleskin in drugstores (not so much the supermarket anymore). It has all but replaced shooting gloves for me and more effectively solved the problem. I would highly recommend it.

Hope this helps. :-)


I haven't tried it for that, but I've seen people use it

by bj @, Sunday, January 01, 2012, 20:50 (4658 days ago) @ FOG

About 40 years ago I used to hang around with a lot of trap shooters. I remember some of the guys would get bruises and so forth on their cheek bone where they put it on the stock, and would put pieces of moleskin on their face.

I haven't tried moleskin on my hands but it would be worth a try. At the range one day someone showed me some kind of medical adhesive tape that they used on their hands. It was like electrical tape, but a couple of inches wide and a little softer than electrical tape. I forget the product name but he said he bought it at WalMart.

I tore a hole iat the base of my thumb w/a Wood Hougue stock

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Monday, January 02, 2012, 10:19 (4658 days ago) @ FOG

s on a Mountian Gun, while using a 315 TC with 21grns of 296...2 shots...My dad tough old carpenter that he is laughed and did the same thing with two shots right after I did it. I switched the grips to Jordan Troopers and alleviated the problem.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Moleskin for shooting

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Monday, January 02, 2012, 19:48 (4657 days ago) @ FOG

Stupid question, but do you put on the gun or your hand?

I have big, fat hands and get bit by stock, USGI style 1911's. I've got a coupl eof older ones I won't swap hammers on and have just taken to putting a band aid, or duct tape on the web of my hand before shooting them!

Doug K

Moleskin has been a real life-saver.....

by Glen, Thursday, January 05, 2012, 19:03 (4654 days ago) @ FOG

....several times while I was out out back-packing or hunting, but I don't use it anymore. I found that canvas athletic tape works just as well for blister prevention/maintainence, and is a whole lot cheaper and easier to carry (and you can find it everywhere). I suspect that it would work just as well for this application.

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