Colorado’s Gun Bills Last Night

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 11:28 (4223 days ago)

• ​Online gun certification: ​Senate Bill 195, banning online certification for concealed carry permits and requiring people to attend classes in person — advances in Senate

• ​Liability for “assault”-style weapons: Senate Bill 196, holding manufacturers and sellers of semiautomatic weapons liable for violence committed with them — ​killed by sponsor:-D

• ​Gun ban for domestic abusers: Senate Bill 197, banning certain domestic violence abusers from owning guns — advances in Senate

​• Limits on high-capacity ammunition:​ House Bill 1224, limiting gun ammunition magazines to 15 rounds but amended to not outlaw the “standard shotgun” — ​advances in Senate

​• Gun ban on college campuses: ​House Bill 1226, banning concealed weapons on college campuses — ​killed by sponsor:-)

​• Background check fee:​ House Bill 1228, requiring gun buyers to pay for their own background checks — ​advances in Senate

​• Universal background checks:​ House Bill 1229, requiring background checks for all gun transfers, including private sales — ​advances in Senate

[via the Denver Post]

Of the Troops & For the Troops

Looks like the NY way. Some real some fake.

by cas, Saturday, March 09, 2013, 19:38 (4222 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

The bills they want to pass and some BS sacrificial ones they don't care about, so they can look like they compromised and made concessions.

I feel safer already

by Twosticks, Tuesday, March 12, 2013, 10:10 (4220 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

The committee hearings for said legislation are farcical. Our Dems will ramrod the bills right through in spite of powerful, rational testimony refuting their stuporous logic. I'd rather be facing the Communist party here.

Twosticks (new on the board; but hoping to contribute firearms talk of dubious value from time to time)

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