Duct tape, shipping label and crap plastic case = OK for UPS

by brionic @, Thursday, March 07, 2013, 17:25 (4224 days ago)
edited by brionic, Thursday, March 07, 2013, 17:29

It arrived without a carton or lock - just three wraps of duct tape around the $30 plastic rifle case. Yes, carbine inside. :shocked:

Seller's issues no longer surprise me, but UPS's accepting and shipping an obvious, unsecured firearm is a head scratcher.

Another good use for duct tape, apparently.

Duct tape, shipping label and crap plastic case = OK for UPS

by bmize, Thursday, March 07, 2013, 18:35 (4224 days ago) @ brionic

I've had two come that way.
One was in a Pelican case, all ok.

The other was from a well known gunsmith. Inside was 40X 22 he had just done $1200 worth of work to. It was in a $25 plastic case, not the heavy duty,$50+ one OR the heavy cardboard box I sent it to him in.

My FFL received a early Win 52 I had ordered....

by John K., Thursday, March 07, 2013, 18:49 (4224 days ago) @ bmize

it arrived with 6" of barrel sticking out of the flimsy cardboard box. Had a couple of layers of bubble wrap and that was all. I was amazed to find zero damage.

Then there was the 1917 Enfield that the UPS man left leaning against the front door, complete with bolt handle sticking out of the box... ZERO interior packing. Just a cardboard box.

Oh, then there was another Win 52 that the post office LOST. Found it two weeks later - supposedly left in a corner of a sorting facility somewhere. That box was also wrecked, but the rifle was well packed and no damage occured.

Nothing about shipping firearms can surprise me.

IIRC those cases are UPS's idea.

by cas, Thursday, March 07, 2013, 21:21 (4224 days ago) @ John K.

I recall when I bought my Sharps from Bill Goodman he said something about the crappy cases he uses, that it was the only way UPS would insure them. Meaning THOSE cases, better one's they wouldn't. Or something like that. I believe the CMP is shipping in them now too instead of the heavy duty cardboard gun case/box they used to use.

I bought a rolling block years ago and when I went to the post office that's what was waiting, a big hard plastic rifle case with and address label and tape in two places. When the clerk carried it from around back he said.. "Well… it' not a guitar, that's for sure." (it was like 14 pounds)

On the other end, I recall watching a local shop owner screaming into the telephone to the shop that had just sent him a transfer.
Guy bought an SKB Over/Under shotgun and they'd shipped it in a cardboard FedEx triangle tube. No cushion, bubble wrap, newspaper… nothing. Just put it in the box and mailed it.

I got a pistol that way once too. A Single Six. But it came loose in a box big enough to ship a sleeping bag. That's what happens when you have some FFL's send them and don't provide EVERYTHING they need to do it.

Duct tape, shipping label and crap plastic case = OK for UPS

by Gunner @, St Louis, Thursday, March 07, 2013, 20:09 (4224 days ago) @ brionic

The UPS driver at work showed up one day with a really nice over and under 12 ga on the floor of his truck, no box in the truck, just the shotgun, I really wanted to cry when I saw it, thankfully it wasn't mine. He didn't know who's it was either, he took it back to the terminal and gave it to secruity, last I heard it took two months to figure out where it belonged.

41 Mags rule, Baers rock!

Duct tape, shipping label and crap plastic case = OK for UPS

by woody, Friday, March 08, 2013, 05:36 (4224 days ago) @ Gunner

I got a S&W 27 nickel shipped to my dealer once and it wrapped in a wool sock The type with the red band on top. The whole barrel was hanging out the corner of the box. The gun was ok though. My dealer was cracking up when I walked in to get it.

Duct tape, shipping label and crap plastic case = OK for UPS

by FOG, Friday, March 08, 2013, 09:01 (4224 days ago) @ brionic


I have to admit, I usually sweat bullets over this issue on remote purchases, but I've been lucky so far.

That one really takes the cake.

Glad it came through OK.


I mailed a rifle opne nice heavey gun box. The mail man

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, March 08, 2013, 12:20 (4224 days ago) @ FOG

Leaded the box against a hedge...the buyer posts on boards that I have failed to deliver etc...I asked him to look around...he found the intact but wet box had fallen into the bushes...His Postal carrier told him he had placed it there.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I mailed a rifle opne nice heavey gun box. The mail man

by Catoosa, Friday, March 08, 2013, 21:16 (4223 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Yep, I ordered a handgun out of SGN a few years back. The dealer I had it sent to works out of his house. The delivery guy left the box, clearly marked "Adult signature required", on a table in his carport, clearly visible from the street. Fortunately his wife found it before someone else did.

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