Forum Registration by 'proxy'

by FOG, Monday, March 04, 2013, 22:13 (4227 days ago) @ Paul

Paul said, "I'd be glad to provide you with a "throw away" [email] address..."

If it really takes such a convoluted approach for an admin to create an account for a new user of this forum, then I would suggest doing exactly that for JT, then taking it the next logical step further.

After creating the 'dummy' email address & password, take that info and do the exact same thing on the forum
(i.e., setup a new account here), then send that logon info to 'SIXGUNNER".

That way, he can forget all about the dummy email account; in fact, he wouldn't even have to know about it (you could also delete it when you're done with it)

Disclaimer: Just an eye-dear. :-D


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