haveing trouble accessing castboolits web site
every time I try to go there I get a quick message saying navigation to website was canceled and it sends me here: http://www.google.com/hws/gateway/afe?hl=en&s=http://delivery.tacticalrepublic.com/... Anyone else having troubles or have any ideas of solutions. Thanks Dennis
haveing trouble accessing castboolits web site
Never mind I got it. Dennis
haveing trouble accessing castboolits web site
Can't tell if your jokeing or if your serious.
So I will state this if you refuse to go there because of a little thing like the fact that they chose to name it Cast Boolits instead of Cast Bullets then it is really your loss, There is much information to be gained there in the art of bullet casting. Most if not all of the folks there are friendly,helpful and intelligent. In a word men to ride the river with and men to learn from. Just my 2 cents worth and worth exactly what you paid for it. Dennis Eugene