Brooks County Texas

by Charles, Monday, December 31, 2012, 14:10 (4291 days ago)

Brooks County Texas is one of my favorite places. Almost no towns and large ranches of pure brush. I had a deer lease there for many years. The Border Patrol has a checkpoint about ten miles south of Falurrias (County Seat) on Hwy. 281. They pick up more drugs there than any other check point in the US.

The coyotes/human smugglers walk the illegals for days in the brush to get around the checkpoint. If anybody lags behind, they are left without food or water and often die in the brush. This year they have found 67 bodies in the brush in Brooks County. That is double the 2011 total.

While they are catching fewer of them at the Border, they seem to be coming over in record numbers. The Mexican Cartels have taken over the human smuggling racket and they are better organized and more effective the the independent coyote, which are now gone, killed or working for the cartels.

I can't think of a worse way to die than wandering around lost in the brush for days before dying of hunger, thirst or exposure. The county has installed 911 repeaters and emergency signals to help those who get lost. Many more are being rescued, but still they die in record numbers.

So much for the million dollar a mile border fence.

They walk all that way to Brooks County and then some?

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Monday, December 31, 2012, 15:28 (4291 days ago) @ Charles




They walk all that way to Brooks County and then some?

by Charles, Monday, December 31, 2012, 15:47 (4291 days ago) @ Hobie

In general, the coyotes pick them up at the border, cram them into a vehicle and place them in a stash house until they have a large group. Again they are crammed into vehicles and driven north, where they are let out to walk around the checkpoint. If all goes right, there is another vehicle they are crammed into to continue their journey north.

They probably have a 20 to 30 mile walk, but the paths meander around in the brush so the actual milage is much farther. They travel on the game trail and senderos and stay off ranch roads where they might be seen. Brush is very dense and easy to get lost if the guide leaves you. You could be ten yards from water and not know it is there.

I looked at it with google map and it seems pretty empty but

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Monday, December 31, 2012, 16:59 (4291 days ago) @ Charles

there are a bunch of confusing trails.



Brooks County Texas

by woody, Monday, December 31, 2012, 18:09 (4291 days ago) @ Charles

If they came here legally they would not have that problem!!!! Serves them right.

Brooks County Texas

by jgt, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 10:01 (4290 days ago) @ woody

I don't have a problem with Hispanics. I do have one with "wetbacks". They are the same type people that go to the head of a line and think they should be let in so they don't have to wait their turn like the rest. The politicos continue to encourage them with amnesty legislation but, the hard truth is, we can no longer afford them.

Brooks County Texas

by Charles, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 11:17 (4290 days ago) @ woody

I knew that was coming, just didn't know who would say it first.

I looked at it with google map and it seems pretty empty but

by Charles, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 11:25 (4290 days ago) @ Hobie

A big piece of the King Ranch's Encino Division is in Brooks Country. If you like the Brush Country, you will love Brooks County. If you don't like the Brush Country, it will be a horrid place.

I grew up in Deep South Texas, so the flora, fauna, people and culture are "home" to me. People without strong roots here, generally have a hard time with the place. There is nothing familiar to them here. It is all different and different makes folks uncomfortable and uncomfortable people are most often unhappy people.


by Byron, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 11:41 (4290 days ago) @ Charles
edited by Byron, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 12:00

My experience with "wetbacks" are that on the average they are humble, honest, hard working, family orentated christians that are working as hard as they can to improve their children lives. In the balance produce more than they consume.

My problem is the millions and millions of stupit fat thieving lazy self-centered worthless good for nothing American citizen leaches that are ruining this country right in front of our eyes.


King Ranch.......

by Byron, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 12:11 (4290 days ago) @ Charles

My eldest sister has lived for over 50 years in Kingsville (her husband's family for over 100 years) and had a beach house on Rivera Beach at the end of Baffin Bay directly accross from the King Ranch....

Didn't seem much when I was a kid but now I see the draw...

Great folks down there....



by Charles, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 12:29 (4290 days ago) @ Byron

I grew up hip and thigh with Mexicans from both sides of the river, both legal and illegal. I still live in the same culture with the same mix of people.

After 70 years of this, I think I am safe in saying that these folks are a cross section of humanity. Some are salt of the earth, hard working folks with good values and some are not worth the powder and shot to kill them.

In other words, they are about like everybody else, including those of us who consider us to be good law abiding Americans.

Whenever we dump any group of people into one box and put a label on it that says "them", then all we do is just show our ignorance. I consider myself fortunate to grow up and live in a bi-cultural, bi-lengual society, it keeps me honest. Some of the Mexican folks don't hold Americans in high regard. Some of their feelings and thoughts are just pure prejudice and some of it is based on real facts. As a blanco/gringo/American I just deal with them as individuals. That is what I want them to do with me. You will go nuts down here, if you don't do that. Accept the good folks no matter the culture and language and disregard the ignorant and bad also with no regard to culture and language. Works for me.

Accept the good folks no matter the culture and language

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 13:23 (4290 days ago) @ Charles

and disregard the ignorant and bad also with no regard to culture and language. Works for me....and me too. I am thoroughly disgusted with the situation...

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I remember a young, broke soldier hitchhicking from King

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 15:13 (4290 days ago) @ Byron

City to Greenfield along 101 who couldn't get a ride except from some migrant workers who happened to be going his way. No soldier, no local, nobody gave him a lift but these people did. I do believe that after walking all of Jolon Road to get there he was darn glad for the offer of a ride.



Brooks County Texas

by bpjon, Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 20:12 (4290 days ago) @ woody

Responses like yours are why I seldom post or participate here, or most places. The internet is a double-edged sword, and I wonder which edge is sharper. Do you say such things in public? At work? In church?

Brooks County Texas

by jgt, Wednesday, January 02, 2013, 10:25 (4289 days ago) @ bpjon

I grew up in south Texas. I have been a victim of the darker side of the wetbacks that come here. I don't feel the need to go into it or to justify my feeling toward them but to say they are all hardworking folks just trying to better things for their family is a misnomer. The biggest lie perpitrated in the debate on them being here is that they are just doing jobs American's are too lazy to do. They are pawns in the hands of unscrupulous business people who perpitrate all mannor of fraud on them and the rest of us, but that would take a book to cover. My view is from experience and not some conjured up image. Still bottom line is they are lawbreaker from the get-go. The operitive word in illegal alian is illegal. Lots of otherwise nice folks committ crimes, but we still enforce our laws against them.

Today we have reached the point were we can not afford to turn a blind eye to the problem. We don't have the water, highways, housing, jobs, or economy to support the millions that want to come; and that says nothing about the national security issue. Since this is my honest feeling, yes I would say it in church.

Brooks County Texas

by Charles, Wednesday, January 02, 2013, 11:35 (4289 days ago) @ jgt

The truth of the matter is not found on either extreme. Some illegals are good hard working people, who are taking jobs that Americans will not take. Some illegals are criminals and social leeches. It seems to be human nature, to feel that whatever we experience is the norm and that is never true about anybody or anything we experience in life. Life and the human race is too complex to be reduced to stereotypes and charicatures.

However, whatever are our experiences and feelings, it is just plain wrong to think or say that illegal aliens deserves a long and suffering death in the brush. Something important has died inside of us, when such becomes our thinking. Time to take inventory of our souls because something is missing.

Brooks County Texas

by jgt, Wednesday, January 02, 2013, 21:09 (4289 days ago) @ Charles

I can agree with not wish anyone a long agonizing death. I also believe that not all people, wetback or otherwise fall into the catagory of morally bad people but enough are to make life miserable and there is still no getting around the fact that each and every one of them are criminals. They are engaging in illegal entry into our country. That is why it is so offensive when people to try to defend their activity.

There is nothing I am pointing out that is new news, the staggering cost of health care to cover the extra eleven million uninsured, clogged emergency rooms, over burdened welfare cost, lack of affordable housing in the lower income bracket, clogged highways, the collateral effects go on and on exponentially. No matter if every one of them could walk across the Rio Grande on water we still can not accommodate them.

Brooks County Texas

by Charles, Thursday, January 03, 2013, 07:32 (4288 days ago) @ jgt

On the health care front, under the new Obamacare law just coming online, the federal reimbursement to hospitals and clinics for uninsured people is being cut to the bone. This makes medical care for illegal aliens very difficult to obtain, as they are not eligible for Obamacare. If you are not up to speed on the details of Obamacare, I thought you would like to know this. Under Obamacare the cost of health care is going way up, but it won't be because of Illegal aliens.

You are already being taxed to pay for Obamacare...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, January 03, 2013, 18:18 (4288 days ago) @ Charles




You are already being taxed to pay for Obamacare...

by Charles, Friday, January 04, 2013, 06:09 (4287 days ago) @ Hobie

Yep..But the point was, with all of the new uninsured folks added to the Federal tit with Obamacare, the ,reimbursement for uninsured people is being slashed to almost nothings. It is this Federal reimbursement for the uninsured where illegal aliens get their health care, so they will for the most part be off the Federal dole and without health care.

Obamacare is a terrible thing, but for those who resent paying for health care of illegal aliens, this will be a silver lining to the Obamacare dark cloud. I don't think most folks are aware of this.

As a military retiree, I am already experiencing that and

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, January 05, 2013, 15:30 (4286 days ago) @ Charles

have been. I pray for the guys recovering from wounds. I am lucky that my health has been mostly good.



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