Paging OTony
I didn't know you were in my old neck of the woods. My folks live in Milton-Freewater, my Dad was born and raised there, Mom is from Elgin and I was born in LaGrande.
Paging OTony
Small world, isn't it? We will have been here four years this coming March. It was a bit of a readjustment at first. I was born in a very small town in NH, and grew up there and in a small town in California, but we spent the previous 20 years before coming here in a very large urban environment.
I never cared for living in a big city, but you become accustomed to it, and certain expectations creep in unawares. Move to a small town and the unaware becomes obvious, so we had to get used to small town ways all over again.
All I have to say is THANK GOD! We love it here! Been to Elgin, and probably get to Milton at least once a week.
When will you be by for a visit? I got some steaks to burn!
Paging OTony
Been through LaGrande too!