Opinions on the Browning Maxus vs Winchester SX3 would
be appreciated. I just got an email informing me that both of these shotguns will be imported in very limited quantities in '13. I heard about the Maxus the other day and actually got to handle one at Bass Pro in Springfield. But the Winchester just got mentioned as well. My only experience with Winchester shotguns is with an old '97 and a 120. The '97 was typical of the time, well built, etc. The 120, well let's just say that it left a LOT to be desired. I don't know if I'll be able to take advantage of the opportunity or not, but would like to know more about the options in case I CAN take advantage of the chance to pick up a long gun. So feedback on the two models would be greatly appreciated. They'll be bringing in the B525 as well, but they are even higher in cost.