good response to NFL comentator's foolishness
Of the Troops & For the Troops
His was a good response.
My response was to buy a .45ACP Colt 1911/1991A1 yesterday.
Did it come with a OJ Simpson signature knife?
Of the Troops & For the Troops
I heard a classic rock DJ with a nationwide show talking
about it today. His position was that blaming the gun for the crime was ridiculous. I wish I could remember the name of his show.
+1 Liked his comments
Costas is trying to crawfish now...
Costas is trying to crawfish now...
What a load of XXXX.
Costas is trying to crawfish now...
DAM Thak GOD I was away hunting and couldnt see the Eagles game I would have had to buy the camp a new Big Screen TV. J.Michael