I'm done with politics

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Friday, November 09, 2012, 16:24 (4343 days ago)

I finally got a decent night's sleep last night, and my guts have finally un-knotted. I've decided that I'm done with politics, not going to waste any more time and energy on it. We lost, and it's all downhill from here.

There is all kinds of speculation why we lost Tuesday night, but none of it matters. The best candidate we've had since Ronald Reagan lost to the worst President in any of our lifetimes. We actually lost a long time ago, it just wasn't as obvious as it is now.

We lost, we lost to the Free Shit Army. The parasites now outnumber the producers in our society. We are now part of a giant snowball to hell, and there is not a thing we can do about it. It was a grant experiment in self government, but it's over, just hang on and enjoy the ride.

Only just begun............

by Byron, Friday, November 09, 2012, 18:15 (4343 days ago) @ Warhawk

The administration announced yesterday that it was now "time to get to work" after 4 years of campaigning and laying the base for some future action.

Today, General Petraeus, Director of the CIA and the greatest American military leader of our time "resigned" due to "bad judgement" over an affair with a women involved in writing his biography 3 or 4 years ago.

It seems the FBI in watching for "security risks" became aware of the action...but sat on it....for years...

It seems that the day after the election of our president it became important and David decided to quickly resign....5 days before he was scheduled to testify before congress about Benghazi...

Is a Reichstag Fire in our future....an Operation Northwoods to address those with bibles and guns....

It just makes you wonder....

I'm done with politics... but NOT with citizen activism!

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Friday, November 09, 2012, 18:51 (4343 days ago) @ Warhawk

I am sure the LEFT is counting on having dispiriting & think they have kicked the guts out of the right. We are already seeing the plans for more gun control and restrictions on oil development...we will see more. Hammer blows to our freedom and our economy.
I have not yet begun to fight!

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I'm done with politics

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Friday, November 09, 2012, 19:25 (4343 days ago) @ Warhawk

You are absolutly correct. We are done. Have a few of these worthless young ones in my family who voted for Obama due to the food stamps, WIC free stuff, food stamps and of course free baby delivery. Mom was getting free massages during her last pregancy. I won't talk to them but they told my wife that they voted for Obama so they could continue with the free stuff.


I'm done with politics... but NOT with citizen activism!

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Friday, November 09, 2012, 20:06 (4343 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Let me know when it's time to lock and load. I probably still have a decent fight or two left in me.

I'm done with politics

by lee jurras @, Hagerman,NM, Friday, November 09, 2012, 20:39 (4343 days ago) @ Warhawk

Shades of "Unintended Consequences", by John Ross
For those of you that have not read, you should. Shows can or could be done. Not condoning just saying. :-|

My thoughts exactly, sir...

by Boge Quinn, Friday, November 09, 2012, 21:03 (4343 days ago) @ Warhawk

...if you've noticed, there is no longer a "Politics & Opinion" section on Gunblast. It didn't do any good, and nobody gives a rip anyway.

I'm done with politics

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Friday, November 09, 2012, 22:48 (4343 days ago) @ lee jurras

I have thought about UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES several times in the last few days.

If any of you haven't read it, and since it's no longer available, I have a PDF copy.

Too true (nm)

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 00:35 (4343 days ago) @ Warhawk


I'm done with politics

by Jared, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 08:25 (4343 days ago) @ Warhawk

I have read it but it has been a while. Could I get a copy of the PDF from you ?


AgCatJHS78 at yahoo dot com

Color me an idealist...

by Brian A, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 09:26 (4343 days ago) @ Warhawk

But we still have a Republican led House and need to hold their feet to the fire. They can definitely slow down the descent and give us time to prepare for 2016. If we give up there is no place to go, we either stand up together and fight this or you condemn future generations to never knowing freedom as we have. They will have to kill me to shut me up. On this Veteran's weekend, I will not allow their sacrifices to be for naught.

We need to support our local conservative government activities and activists. We also need to take some pages from the liberal movement that started local and infiltrated the public schools and universities.

I beg to differ with the idea..........

by jgt, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 09:53 (4343 days ago) @ Warhawk

that it is hopeless and nobody cares. Half the country cares. When and if the opposition decides to run a viable candidate for POTUS he will win. I didn't vote for Romney, I voted against Obama. When the likes of McCain and Romney are the choices we put up for a candidate, then the outcome is iffy at best. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

I like Romney ok as a person, but I told my wife when he got to be a front runner in the primary race he was unelectable as a POTUS candidate. The hard truth was, he was a corporate raider and the undecided would not forget that. I never voted for him untill the final election, and then it was a vote against Obama. If a dummy like me doesn't like the candidate, I dought independents can be convenced. A Ryan/Romney ticket might have had a chance but not the other way around.

its an outstanding read!!

by cable, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 13:51 (4343 days ago) @ lee jurras


I agree - if we roll over and play dead, we are dead

by stonewalrus, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 14:28 (4342 days ago) @ jgt

Win one for the Gipper!"

If we give up, they have won for sure. Anybody who owns a gun should be an NRA member too!

I'd love to see that

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 16:29 (4342 days ago) @ Warhawk

rob at simplyrugged.com

Of the Troops & For the Troops

I'm done with politics

by Jared, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 17:20 (4342 days ago) @ Warhawk

Got it Thank you.


If you didn't vote for Romney then you DID vote for Obama,

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 18:02 (4342 days ago) @ jgt

plain and simple. Rationalizations are worthless. I don't love you any less but I think you need to pull over and re-examine the terrain.



I learned a long time ago

by woody, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 18:21 (4342 days ago) @ Warhawk

I learned a long time ago that it is not worth worrying about. Life is too short to think the world is coming to an end because of small things such as politics. I always vote but know in the end do I really matter? I just go on enjoying the great country we live in. I know some think with the most recent election our good country is going to end any day now!!! People love to dwell and thrive on the thought that the world is coming to an end. I truly believe I will never see it nor will my children in there life time. In the end no matter what happens I will be fine and be able to provide for my family one way or another. One good thing about this is it sells guns and stimulates the economy in us gun loves favor.

I learned on the local level of politics that things are already planned out well in advance of the election on how the out come will be and what is going to change. I don't kid myself that me voting makes a diffence but I always do for my peace of mind. This is even more true on the national level.

Perfect example is the show Doomsday Preppers. What a bunch of wackos!!! Dont get me wrong I'm prepared for my family to survive through most things but if it really ever got as bad as these guys think who wants to be alive anyway?

Well said.

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, November 10, 2012, 23:24 (4342 days ago) @ woody


Of the Troops & For the Troops

You misunderstood the post

by jgt, Sunday, November 11, 2012, 10:47 (4342 days ago) @ Hobie

My actual vote was counted for Romney, but not because I wanted him for POTUS, but because I didn't want Obama. I didn't cast my vote for an independant, third party, or write in. So no, I DID NOT vote for Obama.

I'm done with politics

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Sunday, November 11, 2012, 12:52 (4342 days ago) @ Warhawk

Sir if I could trouble you for a copy. NM1911shooter at gmail dot com.

I'm done with politics

by Gary G, Sunday, November 11, 2012, 23:49 (4341 days ago) @ Warhawk

Warhawk, I would like a copy of the book as well when time allows.
Thanks alot, Gary


I'm done with politics

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Monday, November 12, 2012, 20:26 (4340 days ago) @ Gary G

I'm working out of town this week. Remind me if I forget to send it to you, you should have it by Saturday.

Sorry if I misunderstood. I've had this discussion with

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 09:30 (4340 days ago) @ jgt

several people who just don't get it.



My thoughts to a tee

by Jhenry, Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 17:14 (4339 days ago) @ Warhawk

I will continue to vote, and I will vote as an informed person, but it is plainly obvious to me now that we are essentially done.

I have a brother in DC who is to put it plainly, a screaming activist liberal, who couldn't be happier right now. To listen to the fool talk, the "useful idiot" as his ilk have been termed before, it is plain that he and the others really have no clue as to what is happening or where we are going. They just don't care. Not at all. In his opinion we avoided extreme right wing whackos, and finally have a chance to be a "decent nation". He actually told me the president is insuring financial growth NOW so we can have austerity LATER, and he believes this shit.

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