Well, now I have an excuse to finish that AR-15 build

by Bob Hatfield @, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 03:36 (4346 days ago)

Dang, woke up at 0300 hour wondering who won the election. I voted yesterday thats for sure. I went to bed last night at around 10 PM and it wasnt looking good. So I figured I'd sleep on it. Didn't sleep a wink.

I've had a Rock River Arms lower put together for a couple of years. Already have an A2 style Colt. I've been sitting on this lower trying to decide what kind of build I would like.

After last nights election I figure guns and ammo sales will go through the roof LOL. Might as well stock up too.

Sad thing about my candidate losing the election is that although Barack won, I feel like he is my president and although I dont agree with his philosophy, I cannot help but to respect the office of the presidency no matter who is in there unlike others I know. Hell I wouldn't go out of my way to stand in line up to shake Obama's hand if he ever visited my town, but if I ever had the opportunity to shake a presidents hand in an impromptu setting I would.

At least we have the House of Representatives somewhat on our side.

I have to work for a living know matter who is in control of the country.

Semi rant over


I am just very sad

by Jhenry, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 05:47 (4346 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

When I look at the country and the people, and think about what it took to get it all from where is was, to the point where this was even possible, I am just sad.

It's like a bad dream I keep expecting to wake up from.

by cas, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 07:04 (4346 days ago) @ Jhenry

I went to sleep early sitting in a chair because it was making feel feel sick. I woke up to find it was real and went to bed, still feeling awful.

When I woke up I found that it was worse than I imagined. I'm physically sick, nauseous because of it… almost vomited moments ago.

Here in NY it was even worse. We lost the state senate as well. Say hello to micro-stamping. Say good bye to .50 calibers. Possibly another, stricter AWb to get rid of the few things that are still legal. We are screwed.


by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 07:12 (4346 days ago) @ cas


It's like a bad dream I keep expecting to wake up from.

by Jhenry, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 07:20 (4346 days ago) @ cas

It's worse than that even. Obama Care will drag things down horribly and the president will likely, almost assuredly, have 2 supreme court picks. That is not to even mention what is happening in the mid east, and our relationship to Israel. I choose to have hope in America, and I choose to accept the will of God. I also am realistic enough to be sad about what we are going to be facing, and what my children are going to be facing.

I am even more saddened by an electorate that is holding hands and singing camp songs while walking toward a cliff.

I'm being selfish, looking at the now.

by cas, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 13:39 (4346 days ago) @ Jhenry

I know the country is lost, but at best I figure I have 30 more years on this planet. I have no children and never will, I'm looking at what will effect me immediately.

There is nothing wrong with looking at the "now"

by Jhenry, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 16:38 (4345 days ago) @ cas

We all need to do that. Refusing to look down the road though, or to consider what will happen to others, whether we have progeny to care for or not, is indeed selfish.

I am very thankful that a lot of good men decided to give me a great country to live in, even though they had never met me and never would.

I am very sad today because our society as a whole has failed so miserably in passing that attribute from one generation to another. I raise my boys right, they do care about others and their country. I am really afraid of what their world will be like, and what their country will be like in the not to distant future.

There is nothing wrong with looking at the "now"

by Catoosa, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 22:03 (4345 days ago) @ Jhenry

Forty years ago I made a deliberate decision not to have children, mostly because I had some vague idea that the country was going to hell and I did not want to be responsible for bringing a child into a situation like that.

I really had no idea how right that decision would turn out to be. I recently read a book called "Black Elk Speaks". It was written in 1931 and is based on interviews with a Sioux medicine man who was born in 1864. He was there at Little Big Horn, and later at Wounded Knee Creek. In between, he describes how the plains indians were systematically stripped of their lands, heritage, culture, and ultimately their freedom, becoming hopeless wards of a government of foreign immigrants who considered them at best "savages" unworthy of even breathing room.

The white Europeans, (us) who did that, now face the same fate from the current wave of immigrants who want to take what we have built here. I guess it's karma, but it sucks.

Black Elk was a very interesting man

by Jhenry, Thursday, November 08, 2012, 07:13 (4345 days ago) @ Catoosa

First, you must understand Black Elk was a "contrary" and recognized as such in his culture. Some things he said had an opposite meaning. In all though, the book was written for us and not his people so it is not a huge issue.

Second, we should recognize that despite all they went through, Black Elk and the others like him never stopped looking beyond the now. They continued despite the difficulties, to arrange and build for the future of their people. Some only looked to their own immediate future. No one remembers them for a reason.

Please understand I do not say this to be argumentative or to make some sort of a slight. I say this to have some hope and some worth.

Black Elk was a very interesting man

by Catoosa, Thursday, November 08, 2012, 10:12 (4345 days ago) @ Jhenry

Yep, I certainly don't meam to imply that we as a people should just give up and drift into oblivion, just that we must recognize the forces that are acting against us if our culture is to survive. The Native Americans did not have the sophistication or knowledge to fully understand the threat they were facing. We possess those things, yet seem to be blinded by "political correctness" and just refuse to recognize it.

As you might have guessed, I flunked "Diversity Appreciation" training class back when I was working. Several times.

The longer it goes at work d verse it gets too!

by stonewalrus, Thursday, November 08, 2012, 17:52 (4344 days ago) @ Catoosa


I hear you Bob...

by Hobie βŒ‚ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 07:17 (4346 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

One has to live with reality and the reality is that the majority of the country, albeit only about 51% have been tricked by a party that uses lies as the tool to keep themselves in power. They elected a known liar to the Senate in MA, they re-elected the POTUS, and here in VA, they elected to the senate a governor they really didn't like when he was governor over one they did like when he was governor and a senator. It seems to me that the majority have been seduced by the bread and circuses, the supposed giveaways. This isn't the first time in history, it won't be the last. But it is very sad to me that so many of them are here only because their ancestors took a chance to get away from just such a government that is all controlling and felt that their labor belonged to the government. Their ancestors fled that and they have betrayed them.



One thing is certain

by Frank S, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 07:27 (4346 days ago) @ Hobie

We are a divided Country...more so now than anytime since The Civil War.
Look to what happened in Rhodesia and Zimbabwe for wha may be in store.

Yes, and supposedly 1/2 of our military back this

by Hobie βŒ‚ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 07:34 (4346 days ago) @ Frank S

socialist. But what else should we expect when states are voting to legalize dopers. It is a mindset that needs discipline from the cradle to adulthood to overcome and that won't happen until people have to do so to survive. That will be rough.

The military vote split surprised me. Never leave a comrade behind is a military mantra and Obama's whole life has been one of throwing whomever under the bus when it suited him. I don't believe he has a real friend in the whole world.



I think this is how Rome fell

by stonewalrus, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 15:06 (4346 days ago) @ Hobie


It is

by Jhenry, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 16:39 (4345 days ago) @ stonewalrus


My wife looked at me and said I want you to teach me

by stonewalrus, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 08:57 (4346 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

To shoot a gun and I want to get a carry permit. She wasn't anti-gun before, just lukewarm but she figures before there are more restrictions shee needs to get on the stick and get er done.

I fear America will someday look like a war torn Yugoslavia

by Bob Hatfield @, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 15:37 (4346 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

with ethnic cleansing and such with your enemies looking like your neighbor. I wonder if the World will step in and send troops to calm everyone down like in Croatia/Bosnia/Serbia back in the 90's.

I can picture it now. The national debt encroaching on 50 billion dollars. The Chinese and everyone else will not loan us any more money and they want their 50 billion back now. Leftist politicians promising the people "stuff" that cannot be paid for and they keep them in power. Rationing of gas/oil or it is priced out of reach. More regulations on industry because the left hates industry. States seceding, but I cannot fathom our armed forces taking orders to attack like fort sumpter because a modern day president wants them to.

Damn though the heartland can take care of itself with some ports in Texas/Georgia/Louisiana/South Carolina. I could see Florida siding with the left and having to ride boats up the coast to Deleware LOL.

Rant over

I fear America will someday look like a war torn Yugoslavia

by Hobie βŒ‚ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 20:01 (4345 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

The Chinese have ALREADY refused to loan us money, we are simply printing all that we spend... Have you read about the runaway inflation in post WWI Germany and in Zimbabwe?



Well, now I have an excuse to finish that AR-15 build

by Drago, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 15:55 (4346 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

This election cycle,I've run across so many people,shooters, in person and on-line who view their Second Amendment right as a "hobby" as if it were stamp collecting or building model airplanes. They're perfectly okay if their right is restricted, they'll just find another "hobby".
If we lose the House in 2014, then we'll be facing a federal assault weapons/high capacity magazine ban, a semi automatic handgun, rifle and shotgun ban,or, considering these people are from Chicago,a complete firearms possesion ban. If you're relying on Heller, remember these people can pass laws much faster than any court can strike them down. Since they already bought off Roberts, don't hold out much hope that SCOTUS will be any help.

And O will get to appoint two, maybe three new SCOTUS

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Wednesday, November 07, 2012, 16:22 (4346 days ago) @ Drago

Future does not look good with three liberals added to the bench even if we take control back in four years, which I doubt. People that have had it so soft for so long do not appreciate the danger we are in - "give me stuff"

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