Welcome to the Sixshooter Community!  We are an informal cybernetic (and non-cybernetic too) gathering of people who share the same love for polite, old fashioned society.  Below you will find how some of our regulars described us in response to a query on the message board.  And no, they didn’t know where their answers would end up:



Shooters …. Hardcore shooters at that. Flatlander 

Patriots! Those from outside the US included, but toward their own nations. But with so far as I can tell, an appreciation for us and what our nation was built to represent in the world.  WTFS – RKBA! “Doc” O’Meara


A bunch of right wing extremists!  HEY! That’s me! CM 


As Doc Hudson once said, “a family”. —  DMann


I agree.. it’s a Family —  Don Sikes


God, Family, Country, Guns !  I thought about adding food, but I thought that was a given. Ken G.


Therapeutic.  I have used this board to vent frustrations, brag on accomplishments, express fears, pitfalls, and to philosiphize (learnt to spel, to). I found words of encouragement not only in direct responses, but also in posts I did not engage in. I have picked up useful tips and made several friendships. Though I don’t jump in the prayer requests, I read each of them and some have touched me, a sinner and a backslidden baptist, to be closer to my creator.  You are my brothers. cr 


Good People! SK


I look forward to meeting more of you….The few I’ve met are the core of decent, moral God loving folks. I count myself lucky to have found such an august group with which I feel such a bond of, for want of better words “brotherhood”. Although “brotherhood” is just fine by itself.Mark Stevenson  BGA #43


How I’d describe us I’m not sure.  I personally am fat, old, antisocial, weird, increasingly farsighted and have bad taste in clothing. Also cheap, and pedantic, and obscure.  My plus points are that I’m out of debt, my Mom loves me, and I’m partially Scottish. AKC 


Folks for whom civility is important.. indeed, rudeness to one’s fellows is not countenanced.  Well, normally, anyway. ;~`) JohnM
OR ….”C” (all of the above) blue


I’d SEEN Peter Martin in gun stores a handful of times…..even in one that was a few hours away from home (both our favorite store) we didn’t know each other. Even though I’d seen him a few times, and stood right next to him at a counter while we were both active posting Sixgunner members, we still didn’t know “we was us” so to speak. We came to that conclusion later online, but never met face to face till the Nor’Easter.cas


What! Self Reflection!  I have yet to meet a single one of the persons here, however, it would seem to me that we are gun bugs who think. Not gun fanciers who could be described as monochromatic, (I typed that but it kind of hurt), in thought or temperament. Patriotism seems to be a core value, as does families, dogs, motorcycles, and other good stuff like cornbread. I have not seen a thread on cornbread so I’ll start one directly. A mind is a terrible thing.  Hiram


I kinda think along the same lines as Doc O’Meara, Patriots. But more than that. I’ve been to 3 get-togethers/shoots and met several Sixgunners face to face not at a shoot.  The thing that always stays with me is that I feel these are the Real Americans.  The ones that do the work, that get things done, that keep the media and Hollywood from totally taking over. The ones who endeavor to keep the dream alive that gave birth to the US of A. The ones that make this Country the greatest on the face of this earth. It’s hard to explain, but after I get together with any of the folks I met on this board I feel that there is hope for this Country.  Just my opinion, Ed. Farmer 


Right Wing Conservatives…….. with an ideology that parallels that of our founding fathers. We believe in the God given right to defend ourselves, family, friends and anybody else who cannot defend for themselves. We are honest with each other and am always willing to help our fellow shootists with knowledge gained from experience, be it life or firearms. Most of all, we stick together as one unit. #86  —  BGA # 86 (sixgun)


I think SK kind nailed it. I have meet a couple of guys in person. And one I have know WAAAY to long. That sorry no good brother of mine. 🙂 I hope to meet other soon, I understand there is one of us that lives a bit south of me and one that live a bit west. I am sure there are others. I think we are a bunch of “good people”. Hey we may have a few spats from time to time but we can get past that. vrmn1(bga#47)


After reading this thread a bunch a navel gazers w/ too much time on their hands. Thank goodness.  man, it has really helped me to be able to lurk around here and see that my questions, opinions, troubles, doubts and general attitudes are shared by others. I was really grateful when and not surprised when how you folks defended me from and notified me that someone from the forums came over to the campfire and made false accusations about me.  That was great and I am grateful.  I always describe this site to others as a site for Christian sixgunners. I know not all of us adhere to that exact moniker, but it aptly describes the environment here.  I still want to do a SW or Arizona, NM, Tx get together and shoot, just trying to figure out when. Rob Leahy 


Old School, in just about every sense of the term mcassill


I look forward to meeting more of you…. The few I’ve met are the core of decent, moral God loving folks. I count myself lucky to have found such an august group with which I feel such a bond of, for want of better words “brotherhood”. Although “brotherhood” is just fine by itself.  Mark Stevenson  — Mark BGA #43


It’s better than family — you can’t choose your relatives in-laws, or out-laws, as is my case. 🙂
The people here are the best — both in knowledge and comportment.
John K.


Wielders of the various five and six shot revolving pistols!the Alsatian

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